A problem with CCD present with the old controller when mounted on the
instrument at the telescope was some pick-up noise which showed up
like a ``pepper-and-salt'' pattern of various pixels with a value well
above and below the average level. With the new controller this noise
has disappeared, but when the detector is mounted on the instrument at
the telescope we now occasionally see some pick-up noise with a
``pepper'' pattern, i.e., a regular pattern of pixels with a value of
60 ADU (
20 e-) below the average level. From a frequency
analysis the noise was found to have a frequency of 13.28kHz. Tests
were done with ALFOSC off the telescope with the power for the CCD
controller taken from either the telescope or a wall socket. Also the
mains earth was disconnected for some tests. In addition, measurements
were made with the dewar removed from the instrument and with the
dewar mounted but deliberately electrically connected - note the
normal situation is the dewar is electrically isolated from the
instrument when mounted. For all these situations the pick-up noise
was seen. However, also in some of the tests the pick-up noise is
intermittent and it appears to be absent lately.
One difference with the new controller is that the data are written in
32 bits instead of 16 bits. This required some changes to the quality
control reduction scripts. One direct advantage of the use of 32 bits
is the increased dynamical range. With the old controller the CCD
would saturate at the maximum value of ADU which corresponded
50000 e-. The maximum level that can now be measured is
limited by the level at which the CCD becomes significantly non-linear
which is at
140000 e-, i.e. nearly a factor 3 higher.
Details tables were produced for the readout times with the new detector controller of the CCD for different read out speeds (113, 100, 400, 800 kpix/second), different window sizes and different binning (1x1 and 2x2). These values are provided on the detector web page and will be incorporated in the estimate of the execution time provided by the observing script generator.
Thomas Augusteijn 2012-02-21