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NORDIC OPTICAL TELESCOPE SCHEDULE, Period 56: Oct 1, 2017 - Apr 1, 2018

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Start Date (Noon)End Date (Noon)Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeInstrumentRemarks
Oct 01 Oct 04 56-204 Gonzalo Holgado Alijo ES Do massive stars reach the theoretical ZAMS? Observations will tell FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 04 Oct 05 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Oct 05 Oct 06 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time FastCam Triton Occultation 
Oct 06 Oct 08 56-206 Sergio Velasco Munoz ES Near diffraction-limited low-mass stellar dynamics with FastCam at NOT: search for intermediate mass black holes in the cores of FastCam  
Oct 08 Oct 09 56-203 Gonzalo Holgado Alijo ES Studying the nature of fast rotators among Galactic O-type stars: Are all of them mergers? FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 09 Oct 10 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 09 Oct 10 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 10 Oct 11 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES?  
Oct 11 Oct 16 56-002 Markus Janson SE Hunt for new strong variables among nearby L/T-transition brown dwarfs NOTCAM  
Oct 16 Oct 17 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 16 Oct 17 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 17 Oct 18 56-026 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 17 Oct 18 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 18 Oct 21 56-018 Daniela Bettoni IT Recent star formation and nuclear activity of low redshift quasars. ALFOSC  
Oct 21 Oct 22 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Oct 22 Oct 25 56-005 Xiaoting Fu IT Li-rich giant stars in the Galactic thin disk FIES +ALFOSC  
Oct 25 Oct 26 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES?  
Oct 26 Oct 29 56-032 Raoul Canameras DK The nature of ultra-massive lens galaxies NOTCAM +FIES+STANCAM First night shared with Nordic service 
Oct 26 Oct 27 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES+STANCAM Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 29 Oct 30 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Oct 29 Oct 30 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Oct 30 Nov 02 56-701 Jari Kotilainen, Seppo Mattila FI FINCA practical astronomy course ALFOSC FINCA observing course 
Nov 02 Nov 04 56-701 Jari Kotilainen, Seppo Mattila FI FINCA practical astronomy course NOTCAM FINCA observing course 
Nov 04 Nov 05 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Nov 05 Nov 06 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 05 Nov 06 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 06 Nov 07 56-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC Half night - remainder of night 
Nov 06 Nov 07 56-211 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC Start: 23:36 End: 04:36 XO-6b 
Nov 07 Nov 08 56-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC Half night - remainder of night 
Nov 07 Nov 08 56-211 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC Start: 23:33 End: 04:33 HAT-P-47b 
Nov 08 Nov 09 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 09 Nov 10 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Nov 10 Nov 15 56-205 Emilio Trigueros Paez ES Completing the most extensive survey of O-type spectroscopic binaries FIES +ALFOSC  
Nov 15 Nov 16 56-209 Jorge Prieto Arranz ES Exploring new parameter spaces with SuperWASP candidates: Ultra-Short Period planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Nov 16 Nov 17 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 16 Nov 17 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 17 Nov 18 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 17 Nov 18 56-026 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 18 Nov 20 56-204 Gonzalo Holgado Alijo ES Do massive stars reach the theoretical ZAMS? Observations will tell FIES +ALFOSC  
Nov 20 Nov 21 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 21 Nov 22 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Second half of night 
Nov 21 Nov 23 52-701 Jan Kare Trandem Qvam NO Observational Astronomy Course ALFOSC +FIES First halves of the night. Norwegian observing course 
Nov 22 Nov 23 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Second half of night 
Nov 23 Nov 24 56-209 Jorge Prieto Arranz ES Exploring new parameter spaces with SuperWASP candidates: Ultra-Short Period planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Nov 24 Nov 25 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 24 Nov 25 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 25 Nov 26 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Nov 26 Nov 27 56-211 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT NOTCAM Start: 21:50 End: 02:50 HAT-P-47b 
Nov 26 Nov 27 56-299 CAT ES CAT service time NOTCAM Half night - remainder of night 
Nov 27 Nov 28 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Nov 28 Nov 29 56-024 Tapio Pursimo NOT Sub-minute Microvariability Observations of bright blazars ALFOSC +FIES 5hr - distribution TBD 
Nov 28 Nov 29 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night - distribution TBD: Service 
Nov 29 Nov 30 56-106 Artem Burdanov OPTICON Dynamical characterisation of a nearby multiple planetary system TRAPPIST-1 NOTCAM First half of night, until 01UT: Service 
Nov 29 Nov 30 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM Remainder of night 
Nov 30 Dec 01 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 01 Dec 02 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Dec 02 Dec 03 56-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Dec 02 Dec 03 56-203 Gonzalo Holgado Alijo ES Studying the nature of fast rotators among Galactic O-type stars: Are all of them mergers? ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Dec 03 Dec 05 56-702 Jari Kotilainen, Seppo Mattila,Pasi Nurmi FI FINCA Science School ALFOSC FINCA Science School 
Dec 05 Dec 06 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Dec 06 Dec 07 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Dec 06 Dec 07 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Dec 07 Dec 08 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night 
Dec 07 Dec 08 56-106 Artem Burdanov OPTICON Dynamical characterisation of a nearby multiple planetary system TRAPPIST-1 NOTCAM +FIES First half of night, until 01UT: Service 
Dec 08 Dec 11 56-302 Manuel Angel Perez Torres IAC-Nordic Testing X-ray models for Intermediate Polars - a dynamical study of GK Per ALFOSC  
Dec 11 Dec 12 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Dec 11 Dec 12 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Dec 12 Dec 13 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Dec 13 Dec 23 56-009 Camilla Juul Hansen DK Chemical abundances in wide binaries probing their physical association SOFIN +FIES 7hr total during period: Service 
Dec 13 Dec 23 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time SOFIN +FIES 3 nights spread over period: Service 
Dec 13 Dec 23 51-502 Jyri Lehtinen, Maarit Kapyla, Oleg Kochukhov FI,FI,SE Topology and evolution of surface magnetic fields in active late-type stars SOFIN +FIES 6 nights spread over period 
Dec 20 Dec 21 56-301 Jorge Prieto Arranz IAC-Nordic J113551 & J121238, two long period planets transiting very bright stars ALFOSC +FIES 4hr - start and end times TBD: Service 
Dec 23 Dec 24 56-026 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Dec 23 Dec 24 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD 
Dec 24 Dec 28 56-112 Prof. Artie Hatzes OPTICON Spectroscopic follow-up observations of small transiting planets from the K2 mission FIES +ALFOSC  
Dec 28 Dec 29 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Dec 28 Dec 29 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Dec 29 Dec 30 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Dec 30 Dec 31 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Dec 31 Jan 01 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night - distribution TBD 
Dec 31 Jan 01 56-024 Tapio Pursimo NOT Sub-minute Microvariability Observations of bright blazars ALFOSC +FIES 5hr - distribution TBD 
Jan 01 Jan 02 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 02 Jan 03 56-016 Simon Albrecht DK Do close binaries form through the Kozai mechanism? FIES +ALFOSC Time critical 
Jan 03 Jan 04 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 03 Jan 04 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 04 Jan 08 56-112 Prof. Artie Hatzes OPTICON Spectroscopic follow-up observations of small transiting planets from the K2 mission FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 08 Jan 09 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 09 Jan 10 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 10 Jan 11 56-209 Jorge Prieto Arranz ES Exploring new parameter spaces with SuperWASP candidates: Ultra-Short Period planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 11 Jan 12 56-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 12 Jan 13 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 13 Jan 14 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 14 Jan 15 56-209 Jorge Prieto Arranz ES Exploring new parameter spaces with SuperWASP candidates: Ultra-Short Period planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 15 Jan 18 56-801 IAA ES IAA ALFOSC Guaranteed Time ALFOSC  
Jan 18 Jan 19 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 18 Jan 19 56-026 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 19 Jan 20 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 19 Jan 20 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 20 Jan 21 56-301 Jorge Prieto Arranz IAC-Nordic J113551 & J121238, two long period planets transiting very bright stars FIES +ALFOSC 4hr - start and end times TBD: Service 
Jan 20 Jan 22 56-010 Davide Gandolfi IT Radial velocity follow-up observations of K2 transiting small planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 22 Jan 23 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 22 Jan 23 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Jan 23 Jan 26 56-010 Davide Gandolfi IT Radial velocity follow-up observations of K2 transiting small planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Jan 26 Jan 27 56-016 Simon Albrecht DK Do close binaries form through the Kozai mechanism? FIES +ALFOSC Time critical 
Jan 27 Jan 28 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Jan 28 Jan 30 56-024 Tapio Pursimo NOT Sub-minute Microvariability Observations of bright blazars ALFOSC +FIES 2x5hr - distribution TBD 
Jan 28 Jan 29 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jan 29 Jan 30 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Jan 30 Jan 31 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Jan 31 Feb 01 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 01 Feb 02 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 02 Feb 03 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Feb 03 Feb 05 56-010 Davide Gandolfi IT Radial velocity follow-up observations of K2 transiting small planets FIES +ALFOSC  
Feb 05 Feb 06 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 05 Feb 06 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 06 Feb 10 56-207 Grzegorz Nowak ES The KESPRINT project - understanding the internal structures of small planet candidates from the K2 mission. FIES +ALFOSC  
Feb 10 Feb 11 56-016 Simon Albrecht DK Do close binaries form through the Kozai mechanism? FIES +ALFOSC Time critical 
Feb 11 Feb 12 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 11 Feb 12 56-026 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 12 Feb 13 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Feb 13 Feb 14 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 14 Feb 15 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 14 Feb 15 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 15 Feb 16 56-299 CAT ES CAT service time ALFOSC Half night - remainder of night 
Feb 15 Feb 16 56-211 Nicolas Crouzet ES Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT ALFOSC Start: 22:24 End: 04:14 WASP-13b 
Feb 16 Feb 19 56-802 NBI DK NBI ALFOSC Guaranteed Time NOTCAM  
Feb 19 Feb 20 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Feb 20 Feb 21 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Feb 20 Feb 21 56-301 Jorge Prieto Arranz IAC-Nordic J113551 & J121238, two long period planets transiting very bright stars ALFOSC +FIES 4hr - start and end times TBD: Service 
Feb 21 Feb 24 56-020 Jari Kotilainen FI The MgII circum-galactic gas around quasars at z~=1. ALFOSC  
Feb 24 Feb 25 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Feb 25 Feb 26 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 25 Feb 26 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Feb 26 Feb 28 56-020 Jari Kotilainen FI The MgII circum-galactic gas around quasars at z~=1. NOTCAM  
Feb 28 Mar 01 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES  
Mar 01 Mar 07 56-202 Henrik Jonsson ES A reference sample of giant stars from high resolution spectroscopy FIES +ALFOSC  
Mar 07 Mar 08 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Mar 08 Mar 09 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Mar 08 Mar 09 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Mar 09 Mar 10 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time MOSCA +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 10 Mar 11 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time MOSCA +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 11 Mar 12 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 12 Mar 13 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 12 Mar 13 54-502 Carolina von Essen, Sven Wedemeyer DK,NO KOINet: Reprising Keplers heritage from the ground NOTCAM +FIES Time critical UT 03:00 to 06:30: Service 
Mar 13 Mar 14 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM  
Mar 14 Mar 15 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Service 
Mar 15 Mar 16 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Mar 15 Mar 16 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Mar 16 Mar 19 56-030 Hakon Dahle NO A full-sky census of the brightest lensed galaxies at "cosmic noon". MOSCA  
Mar 19 Mar 21 56-030 Hakon Dahle NO A full-sky census of the brightest lensed galaxies at "cosmic noon". ALFOSC  
Mar 21 Mar 22 56-301 Jorge Prieto Arranz IAC-Nordic J113551 & J121238, two long period planets transiting very bright stars ALFOSC +FIES 4hr - start and end times TBD: Service 
Mar 21 Mar 22 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Remainder of night: Service 
Mar 22 Mar 23 56-026 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Mar 22 Mar 23 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Mar 23 Mar 24 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC  
Mar 24 Mar 27 56-019 K.E. Heintz DK Mining reddened quasars for dust-rich Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers ALFOSC  
Mar 27 Mar 29 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time ALFOSC +FIES Half night distributed over period 
Mar 27 Mar 29 56-009 Camilla Juul Hansen DK Chemical abundances in wide binaries probing their physical association ALFOSC +FIES 9hr total during period: Service 
Mar 28 Mar 29 56-024 Tapio Pursimo NOT Sub-minute Microvariability Observations of bright blazars ALFOSC +FIES 5hr - distribution TBD 
Mar 29 Mar 30 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time ALFOSC +FIES Service 
Mar 29 Mar 30 56-012 Pasi Hakala FI Polarisation of the transitional millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038 ALFOSC +FIES First half of night 
Mar 30 Mar 31 56-901 NOT NOT Technical time NOTCAM +FIES  
Mar 31 Apr 01 56-199 Various NOT Nordic service time NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 
Mar 31 Apr 01 53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe NOTCAM +FIES Half night - distribution TBD: Service 

Monitoring and ToO Programs

Proposal NumberPrincipal InvestigatorInstitute/ CountryProgrammeTypeInstrumentTime AllocationNightsComments
56-001 E. Lindfors FI Monitoring of a gravitationally lensed blazar B0218+357 Mon+ToO ALFOSC 16 min per obs. ToO every 2nd night for 2 weeks 9.6h+5.5h Monitoring Sep 30, Oct 17, 29, Nov 9, Nov 25, Dec 6, Jan 8 
56-003 E. Lindfors FI Near-IR imaging of the host galaxies of extreme AGN Mon ALFOSC 7 targets, 1 hr per target 7h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
56-004 Jari Kajava FI Circumstellar events in HR 10: exocomets and/or gaseous orbiting bodies? Mon FIES 15 observations, roughly every 6 nights 7.5h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
56-008 Simone Ieva IT Physical characterization of a potential sample-return mission candidate Mon NOTCam 2 targets 2h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
56-010 Davide Gandolfi IT Radial velocity follow-up observations of K2 transiting small planets ToO FIES A form of soft ToO to provide better phase coverage 22h No override. Only triggers in Nordic service and Technical nights 
56-014 Hakon Dahle NO A unique probe of a high-redshift supermassive black hole and dark matter Mon ALFOSC g-band 12x35min ~7 days apart. g-, i- and narrow-band 8x100min 20.3h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
56-015 Vandad Fallah Ramazani FI Polarization Monitoring of VHE gamma-ray BL Lacs Mon ALFOSC 2-22 polarimetry obs. of 17 targets over 27 night + 6 std. obs 28h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
56-016 Simon Albrecht DK Do close binaries form through the Kozai mechanism? Mon FIES Out of eclipse observations of several sources 20h Spread over semester 
56-022 Sergey Tsygankov FI MONITORING OF PSR J2032+4127 DURING PERIASTRON PASSAGE Mon ALFOSC+FIES 40 observations Nov-Jan of 27min each 19.0h Fixed dates to be scheduled 
56-023 Eliana Palazzi IT Fast radio bursts: searching for their optical counterparts ToO ALFOSC/StanCam/MOSCA/NOTCam 2x(2h+1h+2x1h+1h) plus overheads 14h Override. First trigger hard. Follow-up soft ToO 
56-025 Thomas Augusteijn NOT Monitoring the enigmatic binary V838 Mon Mon ALFOSC 2x1h in Oct+Mar, 12x5min every 2 weeks 0.4 Fixed dates to be scheduled 
56-026 Mikael Granvik FI Understanding NEO disruptions close to the Sun and planets ToO ALFOSC 2 triggers 0.5 Override 
56-027 Grigori Fedorets FI Physical properties of Earth's temporarily-captured satellites. ToO ALFOSC 1 trigger 0.25 Override 
55-501 Jane Luu NO Origin of Active Asteroids ToO ALFOSC 2 triggers 2.5h Override. Follow-up soft ToO. 
54-501 Jesper Sollerman, Rahman Amanullah, Francesco Taddia SE,SE,SE Supernova Target-of-Opportunity from the Zwicky Transient Facility ToO ALFOSC 2x7x1.5h + 7x5x1h 7.0 Override. First trigger hard. Follow-up soft ToO 
53-501 Seppo Mattila, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa FI,DK,SE,IT Towards a complete and unbiased census of supernovae in the local Universe ToO ALFOSC 14 hard ToOs total 6h, rest soft total 64h 7.0 Soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights 
54-503 John Telting NOT Kepler K2 follow-up: establishing binarity of new subdwarf-B pulsators Mon ALFOSC 60-75 measurements of 4-5 targets spread over semester 2.5 Fixed dates to be scheduld 
51-504 Pall Jakobsson, Daniele Malesani, Johan P. U. Fynbo IS,DK,DK Building the Sample of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts ToO Any 9x(3h+3h) + 3x(3+Nx2h) 10.0 Override, immediate response. Follow-up next night(s) 

Type AllocationNumber
NOT Regular proposals OPC001-100
OPTICON proposals CTAC101-150
ChETEC proposals USP151-198
NOT Service nights OPC199
CAT Regular proposals CAT201-298
CAT Service nights CAT299
ITP proposals CCI301-399
NOT Fast-track proposals OPC401-499
NOT Large Proposals OPC501-599
Educational time, etc. OPC701-799
Guaranteed time nights NOT801-899
Technical time nights NOT901
Stand-down NOT000

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