MOSCA SEQUENCER Command Reference
BIAS Commands
Auxiliary Commands
MOSCA/FASU spectrograph commands (mosca.command in scripts) (if used with option "-d"
extended debugging information is written to the log):
All these commands will actively check that the element has arrived at the
requested position. If not, an error will be written to the Talker log and the
command sets the return code to a non-zero number.
- fasua [-d] n
Move FASU wheel A to position 'n', where 'n' is [0-6]
- fasub [-d] n
Move FASU wheel B to position 'n', where 'n' is [0-6]
- wait_fasu_ready [-d]
Waits until both the FASU A and FASU B filter wheels are ready
(i.e. not moving). If the wheels has not become ready after 90 seconds,
a time-out error will occur.
MOSCA CCD commands (mosca.command in scripts) (if used with option "-d" extended
debugging information is written to the log):
- teloffset n m
Offsets an object on the
CCD in the X,Y direction by the amount n in the X
direction and m in the Y direction. N,m is given in arcseconds.
- abort [-d]
Aborts an ongoing exposure (see also expose).
- addtime [-d] nn
Adds 'nn' seconds to an ongoing exposure
(note that 'nn' can be negative too).
- ampl [-d] x
Sets the active amplifier to x. Valid values
are A, B, AB, C, AC.
- autosave_off [-d]
Turns off autosave.
- autosave_on [-d]
Turns on autosave.
- bin [-d] n
Stes the binning factor in both X and Y
directions to n.
- xbin [-d] n
Sets the binning factor in the X direction
to n.
- ybin [-d] n
Sets the binning factor in the Y direction
to n.
- comment [-d] text
Sets the value of the FITS keyword COMMENT
to "text".
If the text contains spaces it MUST be quoted with double
quotes (like this: "text"). Will be cleared after each image.
- comment1 [-d] text
Sets the value of the FITS keyword COMMENT
to "text".
If the text contains spaces it MUST be quoted with double
quotes (like this: "text").
Will not be cleared after each image.
- dark [-d][-t][-f] tt
Makes an dark exposure of tt seconds.
To abort the exposure press "Control-C".
If the '-f' option is used, the command will finish (i.e. the prompt
return) when the exposure is finished and the readout begins.
If the '-t' option is used, a
simulated exposure is made. This is usefull for script testing.
- expose [-d][-t][-f] tt
Makes an exposure of tt seconds. To abort
the exposure press "Control-C".
If the '-f' option is used, the command will finish (i.e. the prompt
return) when the exposure is finished and the readout begins.
If the exposure time is larger than 300 seconds, the time left until
the rotator reaches its limit will be checked. If there is not time
enough to complete the exposure, an error will be generated and the
exposure will not start.
If the '-t' option is used, a simulated exposure is made.
This is usefull for script testing.
This command checks if FASU is
ready before beginning the exposure. If 90 seconds occurs and it is
not ready, this command will time out.
- mosca.exit [-d]
Exits the MOSCA BIAS program.
Do not type "exit" as this will close the xterm.
- filename [-d] nn
Sets the default filename to nn.
Has to be 4 characters.
- filenamestd [-d]
Sets the filename back to the default filename.
- gainhi [-d]
Sets the gain mode to high gain.
- gainlo [-d]
Sets the gain mode to low gain.
- impath [-d] text
Sets the path of the image
saving to nn.
- imtype [-d] text
Sets the value of the FITS keyword IMAGETYP
to "text".
- mdark [-d][-t][-f] tt nn
Makes nn dark exposure of tt seconds. To abort
the exposures press "Control-C".The image type (IMTYPE keyword) will be
set to "DARK" if the exposure time is non-zero and "BIAS" if
it is zero.
If the '-f' option is used, the command will finish (i.e. the prompt
return) when the (last) exposure is finished and the readout begins.
If the '-t' option is used, a
simulated exposure is made. This is usefull for script testing.
- mexpose [-d][-t][-f] tt nn [imtype]
Makes nn exposures of tt seconds.
To abort
the exposures press "Control-C".The 'imtype' option (IMTYPE keyword)
is optional and must be a text string without spaces.
If the '-f' option is used, the command will finish (i.e. the prompt
return) when the (last) exposure is finished and the readout begins.
If the '-t' option is used, a
simulated exposure is made. This is usefull for script testing.
- focusexpose [-d] nnnnn mm tt]
Makes a focus exposure. 'nnnnn' is the
focus start value, 'mm' is the focus step size between sub-exposures and
'tt' is the exposure time for each of the sub-exposures. 5 sub-exposures
will be made.
- focus5expose [-d] nnnnn mm tt]
Makes a focus exposure. 'nnnnn' is the
focus start value, 'mm' is the focus step size between sub-exposures and
'tt' is the exposure time for each of the sub-exposures. 5 sub-exposures
will be made.
- focus7expose [-d] nnnnn mm tt]
Makes a focus exposure. 'nnnnn' is the
focus start value, 'mm' is the focus step size between sub-exposures and
'tt' is the exposure time for each of the sub-exposures. 7 sub-exposures
will be made.
- focus9expose [-d] nnnnn mm tt]
Makes a focus exposure. 'nnnnn' is the
focus start value, 'mm' is the focus step size between sub-exposures and
'tt' is the exposure time for each of the sub-exposures. 9 sub-exposures
will be made.
- object [-d] text
Sets the value of the FITS keyword OBJECT
to "text".
- clearobject [-d]
Clears the value of the FITS keyword
- observer [-d] text
Sets the value of the FITS keyword OBSERVER
to "text".
- rempath [-d] nn
Sets the remote saving path to nn.
- remsystem [-d] nn
Sets the remote host computer to nn.
- remsave_off [-d]
Turns off remote saving.
- remsave_on [-d]
Turns on remote saving.
- readout [-d]
Closes the shutter and reads out the ccd.
You have to put the exposure in the background first.
- resetxy [-d]
Resets the ccd binning to 1, the X and Y sixe
to maximum and the X and Y beginning to 1.
- save [-d]
Saves an read-out image to disk.
- xbin [-d] n
Sets the binning factor in the X direction
to n.
- ybin [-d] n
Sets the binning factor in the Y direction
to n.
- sethi [-d] nn
Sets highcut to nn.
- setlow [-d] nn
Sets lowcut to nn.
Note that the commands below are not needed for normal use, but can be
practical for more advanced use.
MOSCA/FASU aux. commands (mosca.command in scripts) (if used with option "-d"
extended debugging information is written to the log):
- fasua [-d] pos
Returns the position (0-6) of the element in the light path.
- fasua [-d] name
Returns the name of the element in the light path.
- fasua [-d] id
Returns the NOT ID of the element in the light path.
- fasua [-d] ready
Returns '0' if the element is moving. '1' if it is ready
- fasub [-d] pos
Returns the position (0-6) of the element in the light path.
- fasub [-d] name
Returns the name of the element in the light path.
- fasub [-d] id
Returns the NOT ID of the element in the light path.
- fasub [-d] ready
Returns '0' if the element is moving. '1' if it is ready