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Arguments[slit=<nn> | xref=<x> yref=<y>]
Short DescriptionCalculates the telescope offset needed for slit number <nn>, or for a slit with position (<x>, <y>).
Long DescriptionCalculates the telescope offset required to bring a target onto a given slit and performs the required telescope offset. The slit number <slitno> refers to the position of the requested slit in the ALFOSC slit wheel. Alternatively, an (<x>,<y>) pixel position can be given as reference. The script uses the currently loaded DS9 image and assumes this corresponds to an acquisition image of the field the telescope currently is pointed at. The target is identified interactively by the user through an imexam session.
Depends Onalfosc.teloffset
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Last Update0000-00-00 00:00:00
Back to top Last modified: November 28 2023