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P68-506: Anomalous radial velocities in the eclipsing binary KIC10001167

P.I.: J. Thomsen

This is a Monitoring program using FIES.

Instrument setup

  • FIES

  • High-res fiber F4

Afternoon instructions

  • Run afternoon calibrations: fies-calibs -fib 4

Observing instructions

  • On the Queue page, make sure the OB-generated observing script is written to disk, or else 'compile'

  • Go to directory: cd ~/obs/scripts/68-506/ and do ls -lrt

  • Start the requested OB generated script

P68 tracking
P69 tracking
Program Tracking
Proposal 68-506
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Jeppe Sinkbaek Thomsen
Programme Anomalous radial velocities in the eclipsing binary KIC10001167
Instrument FIES
Time Allocation 2.9 hours to be scheduled in 8 different nights Oct-Nov
Total Nights 2.9h
Type Mon
Notes Fixed dates to be scheduled
Total Time Spent 03:01 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
68-506 2024-10-05 00:34 Mon KIC10001167, sigma-dra FIHj050098 - FIHj050109 Observed in clear skies with seeing below 1.0" Observed
68-506 2024-10-12 00:00 Mon Missed due to the telescope being closed because of high humidity Failed
68-506 2024-10-19 00:35 Mon KIC10001167, sigma-dra FIHj190098 - FIHj190109 Targets observed with clear skies and seeing between 1-1.5 arcsec. Observed
68-506 2024-10-30 00:35 Mon KIC10001167, sigma-dra FIHj300064 - FIHj300075 The targets were the first ones on the list to observe. The sky was clear during both observations. Observed
68-506 2024-11-07 00:34 Mon KIC10001167, sigma-dra FIHk070107 - FIHk070118 Both targets were observed through thin clouds. Observed
68-506 2024-11-13 00:00 Mon Could not observe targets due to mechanical issue with FIES Failed
68-506 2024-11-24 00:00 Mon None None No observation due to high humidity. Failed
68-506 2024-12-02 00:43 Mon KIC10001167, sigma-dra FIHl020095 - FIHl020106 The sigma-dra target was not observed directly after the first target due to thick clouds, but was observed as soon as possible. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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