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70-107 Determining the progenitor types of interacting supernovae

PI: Andrea Reguitti

Observing instructions:

Go to the directory
  cd ~/scripts/70-107

execute the requested scripts.

Program Tracking
Proposal 70-107
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Reguitti
Programme Determining the progenitor types of interacting supernovae
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation 2-3 transients followed over 6 epochs
Total Nights 1.3
Type ToO+SoftToO
Notes Override, but should aim for (soft) triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 07:13 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
70-107 2024-10-10 00:35 SoftToO SN2024ueo ALHj100115 - ALHj100119 Clear skies and sub-arcsec seeing. Observed
70-107 2024-10-18 00:42 SoftToO Feige110, SN2024vku ALHj180150 - ALHj180160 Targets observed with clear skies and sub-arcsecond seeing. Observed
70-107 2024-10-31 01:05 SoftToO AT2024qtn ALHj310154 - ALHj310158 Seeing was ~1.2'' at the start of the observation. There is light from both the galaxy and the source in the slit. Strong spectral features in Quickspec. The standard was not observed, because another standard star with the same setup (Grism 4 and 1.0'' slit) was obtained. These calibration files are ALHj310148 & ALHj310149. Observed
70-107 2024-11-10 00:19 SoftToO AT2024qtn ALHk100209 - ALHk100213 Observed with clear, dusty skies and seeing around 1 arcsec. Observed
70-107 2024-11-13 00:51 SoftToO AT2024qtn ALHk130109 - ALHk130113 Target was observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0" Observed
70-107 2024-11-18 00:00 SoftToO No observations could be done due to bad weather Failed
70-107 2024-11-19 00:00 SoftToO Targets could not be observed due to high humidity Failed
70-107 2024-11-24 00:29 SoftToO SN2024abfl ALHk240098 - ALHk240102 Seeing was 1.3" when the observation was started. Observed
70-107 2024-11-28 00:00 SoftToO SN2024abvb ALHk280078 - ALHk280082 Observed in dusty skies with seeing around 1.4" Had to read out earlier as a cloud came in and covered the area. Observed
70-107 2025-01-02 00:34 SoftToO SN2024vku ALIa020089 - ALIa020093 Seeing of around 0.8 arcsec and clear skies Observed
70-107 2025-01-08 00:27 SoftToO AT2022mop ALIa080064 - ALIa080068 Great night with excellent conditions. Low wind, humidity and good seeing. Observed
70-107 2025-01-29 00:25 SoftToO AT2022mop ALIa290077 - ALIa290080 Observed at twilight, clear skies, seeing at 1.2" Observed
70-107 2025-02-02 00:52 SoftToO AT2024qtn ALIb020050 - ALIb020054 Observed the target according to instruction. Clear sky, seeing around 1.5''. Target was low in the sky. Observed
70-107 2025-02-15 00:54 SoftToO SN2023zkd ALIb150217 - ALIb150231 Target observed with clear skies and seeing around 0.7-1.0''. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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