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70-206 POLTerDEIST: POLarimetry of Tidal Disruption Events and quasi-periodic eruptions wIth Skinakas and other Telescopes

PI: Ivan Agudo



Program Tracking
Proposal 70-206
Semester P70: 20241001 - 20250401
Principal Investigator Agudo
Programme POLTerDEIST: POLarimetry of Tidal Disruption Events and quasi-periodic eruptions wIth Skinakas and other Telescopes
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation Max 6 triggers of 4.5 hours each; only in CAT service nights
Total Nights
Type ToO
Notes Only allowed to trigger in CAT service nights
Total Time Spent 04:30 (hh:mm)   Hard ToO:04:30   Soft ToO:
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
70-206 2024-11-26 00:00 ToO Standards Clear with poor seeing at the start of the night (during standard obs), but clouds entered around 2am preventing observations of the TDE Failed
70-206 2024-12-13 00:00 ToO Very cloudy all night Failed
70-206 2025-01-07 04:30 ToO AT2024pvu, HD12021, BD+64_106, HD19445 ALIa070066 - ALIa070087, ALIa070125 - ALIa070139 Standards quite badly affected by clouds, but clearing by the time the primary target was observed Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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