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Program Tracking
Proposal 68-302
Semester P69: 20240401 - 20241001
Principal Investigator Peter Jonker
Programme Determining the origin of the elusive Fast X-ray Transients
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation Follow-up on first 3 night of a trigger
Total Nights 1.6
Type ToO+SoftToO
Notes Override, but should aim for (soft) triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 12:44 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
68-302 2024-04-14 00:15 ToO EP240414a ALHd140039 - ALHd140043 The data was shared with program 69-811. The data consists of 5 frames with r' filter that was in an OB of program 69-811. Observed
68-302 2024-04-15 00:37 ToO EP240414a ALHd150066 - ALHd150078 During the observations, seeing started at 1.9'' and improved to 1.5''. The r' band observations showed some visual signal near the two stars of the source, but yesterday it was stronger. In summary, observed filling the requirements. The data was shared with program 69-811, so the marked time spent is only half the observation's duration. Observed
68-302 2024-04-18 00:22 ToO EP240414a ALHd180212-ALHd180215 ; ALHd180228 - ALHd180232 Observed through thin clouds and seeing of around 1 arcsec. On the first attempt at 01:01 UT, we only took the first two filters because the clouds became very thick afterwards. We observed files ALHd180212-ALHd180215, from 01:01 to 01:19. On the second attempt at 2:18 U.T. when clouds were finally looking thinner, we tried again, and observed only the i-band and z-band. This produced files ALHd180228 - ALHd180232. The g-band was observed correctly on the first attempt on files ALHd180212-ALHd180213. Observed
68-302 2024-04-19 00:13 ToO EP240414a ALHd190189 - ALHd190198 Observed with thin clouds and variable seeing. Observed
68-302 2024-04-20 00:24 ToO EP240414a, EP240420a ALHd200058 - ALHd200066, ALHd200104 - ALHd200108 EP240414a: Observed with clear skies and 1.3-1.6'' seeing. Although observations were attempted at the maximum distance possible from the moon, several of the exposures seem to be near the limit of sky-level saturation. Data shared with program 69-811 EP240420a: Data shared by program 69-811. Observed with clear skies and subarc seeing. Target had to be observed close to the moon, but on first glance, the sky didn't seem to saturate. Observed
68-302 2024-04-23 01:12 ToO EP240414a NCHd230204 - NCHd230275 Observed with thin clouds and seeing around 1 arcsec. Some data affected by passing clouds. Observed
68-302 2024-04-25 00:48 ToO EP240414a NCHd250306 - NCHd250341 Thin clouds and a seeing of between 0.7 and 0.9 arcsec. Observed
68-302 2024-04-29 01:00 ToO EP240414a ALHd290182 - ALHd290193 Observed
68-302 2024-05-06 00:00 ToO -- -- Target not observed due to technical issues with ALFOSC. Failed
68-302 2024-05-09 00:45 ToO EP240414a ALHe090175 - ALHe090182 Target observed through thin clouds with seeing around or less than 0.9 arcsec. Observed
68-302 2024-05-17 00:51 ToO EP240414a ALHe170239 - ALHe170247 Observed with thin clouds and seeing better than 1 arcsec. Observed
68-302 2024-05-24 01:04 ToO EP240414a ALHe240079 - ALHe240094 Observed with clear sky and around 0.7 arcsec seeing. Observed
68-302 2024-05-29 00:10 ToO LXT240529A ALHe290113 - ALHe290115 Observed with clear skies and sub-arcsecond seeing Observed
68-302 2024-06-07 00:29 ToO EP240420a ALHf070168 - ALHf070172 EP240420a observed in clear skies! Observed
68-302 2024-08-01 00:18 ToO EP240801a ALHh010079 - ALHh010081 Observed with clear skies and seeing of around 0.7 arcsec. Observed
68-302 2024-08-02 00:09 ToO EP240801a ALHh020131 - ALHh020133 Observed with clear skies, 0.5" seeing. Shared with 69-811. Observed
68-302 2024-08-03 00:30 ToO EP240801a ALHh030244 - ALHh030248 Observed with cloudless dusty skies, 0.8" seeing. Observed
68-302 2024-08-04 00:18 ToO ep240801a ALHh040206 - ALHh040210 Observed with clear skies but dusty conditions. Data and time shared from 69-811. Observed
68-302 2024-08-06 00:55 ToO ep240801a, EP240806a ALHh060225 - ALHh060228, ALHh060253 - ALHh060255 Subarcsec seeing. Clear skies. ep240801a was shared from 69-811. Observed
68-302 2024-08-07 00:45 ToO EP240806a ALHh070221 - ALHh070224 Target observed according to requirements by students at the IDA summer school. Clear skies, seeing around or below 1 arcsec. Observed
68-302 2024-08-08 00:54 ToO EP240806a ALHh080233 - ALHh080237 Target was observed with a clear skies and a seeing of around 0.5 arcsec. Observed
68-302 2024-08-14 00:26 ToO EP240801a ALHh140202 - ALHh140206 Observed with clear skies, roughly 1.4" seeing. Shared with 69-811. Observed
68-302 2024-09-19 00:19 ToO EP240919a ALHi190003 - ALHi190010 Observed with clear skies and seeing around 1 arcsec. Shared with 69-811. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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