In the case of NOTCam, make sure that differential skyflats are obtained
for the camera and filter setup that is requested.
Proposal |
Date |
Time |
Type |
Targets |
Files |
Comments |
Status |
70-507 |
2024-10-01 |
00:39 |
ToO |
grb241002 |
ALHj010332 - ALHj010339 |
I was unable to identify the counterpart in the raw frames so I did not move on to spectroscopy. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-10-18 |
00:48 |
ToO |
GRB241018a |
ALHj180133 - ALHj180144 |
Target observed with clear skies and sub-arcsecond seeing. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-10-24 |
01:32 |
ToO |
GRB241025A, HD19445 |
ALHj240181 - ALHj240193 |
Observed with clear sky and seeing better than 1 arcsec. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-10-25 |
01:02 |
ToO |
GRB241025A |
STHj250016 - STHj250026 |
Observed with clear sky and seeing around 1-2 arcsec. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-10-26 |
00:00 |
ToO |
GRB241025A |
ALHj260157 - ALHj260157 |
Target was attempted but bad weather forced me to abort it |
Failed |
70-507 |
2024-10-29 |
00:18 |
ToO |
GRB241025a |
ALHj290047 - ALHj290049 |
Observed with clear skies and seeing around 1.1 arcsec |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-10-30 |
00:55 |
ToO |
GRB241025a |
ALHj300090 - ALHj300094 |
I did not notice a target in the indicated spot in the raw frames, but there were some other sources not visible in the finding chart. Seeing was slightly sub-arcsecond, ~0.9''. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-10-31 |
00:24 |
ToO |
GRB241029A |
ALHj310125 - ALHj310128 |
There is a faint source in the indicated spot. Seeing was ~0.65'' during the observation. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-11-01 |
00:33 |
ToO |
GRB241029A |
ALHk010091 - ALHk010095 |
Clear skies, seeing around 0.6 arcsec |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-11-02 |
00:53 |
ToO |
GRB241030A |
ALHk020079 - ALHk020086 |
Thin cloud cover at the beginning of the observation, cleared up after the first exposure. Average seeing around 1 arcsec. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-11-03 |
01:28 |
ToO |
GRB241029A, GRB241030A |
ALHk030069 - ALHk030076 |
Thin clouds ans sub-arcsec seeing |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-11-05 |
00:53 |
ToO |
GRB241104A |
ALHk050163 - ALHk050171 |
Apparently, there was no distinguishable source. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-11-13 |
00:14 |
ToO |
grb241113a |
ALHk130104 - ALHk130108 |
Observed in clear skies with seeing around 1.0" |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-11-28 |
00:38 |
ToO |
GRB241128A |
ALHk280046 - ALHk280053 |
Observed target in clear skies with seeing around 2.3" |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-12-08 |
00:18 |
ToO |
GRB241209a |
ALHl080069 - ALHl080071 |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-12-17 |
01:43 |
ToO |
GRB241217A,GRB241218A |
NCHl170242 - NCHl170259,STHl170021 - STHl170029,STHl170030 - STHl170037 |
Struggling with clouds, some of the J-band images of GRB241217A suffer from clouds. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-12-28 |
00:46 |
ToO |
GRB241228A GRB241228B |
ALHl280097 - ALHl280104, 129-130 |
very bad seeing |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-12-29 |
00:54 |
SoftToO |
GRB241209B |
ALHl290221 - ALHl290225 |
Observed |
70-507 |
2024-12-29 |
00:24 |
ToO |
GRB241229A |
ALHl290226 - ALHl290229 |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-01 |
00:18 |
ToO |
grb250101a |
ALIa010056 - ALIa010058 |
Seeing of around 1 arcsec, thin clouds. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-02 |
00:52 |
ToO |
grb250101a |
ALIa020071 - ALIa020079 |
Seeing around 0.6 arcsec, and clear skies |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-03 |
01:47 |
ToO |
grb250103a (+ sp0644+375) |
ALIa030141 - ALIa030157 |
The target had peak altitude in the very start of night, but could not be observed right after sunset due to very heavy clouds. The target was observed when the conditions improved - thin clouds and sub-arc seeing.
For the spectroscopy, the last 3 exposures were outside the requested LST range, due to above described conditions. Taken time-criticality into consideration, a decision was made to proceed with the observation in sub-optimal LST range. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-05 |
00:00 |
SoftToO |
grb250101a |
ALIa050003 - ALIa050011 |
Observed on NBI guaranteed time 70-802 voluntarily - therefore time set to 0. Reported as observed. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-06 |
00:41 |
ToO |
GRB250106A |
ALIa060237 - ALIa060246 |
good seeing |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-08 |
00:41 |
ToO |
GRB250108A |
ALIa080175 - ALIa080184 |
Great night with excellent conditions. Low wind, humidity and good seeing.
Target observed at the requested time of 3am (around 28 deg alt) |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-12 |
00:36 |
ToO |
EP250108a |
ALIa120084 - ALIa120092 |
Seeing around 1.1 arcsec and clear skies |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-28 |
02:35 |
ToO |
GRB250128B, GRB250129A |
ALIa280301 - ALIa280324 |
Observed GRB250128B for 30 minutes.
Then, interrupted exposures to observe grb250129a
After confirming optical counterpart, obtained 3x 1200s spectra of grb250129a.
Followed by short r and z-band exposures of grb250129a.
Finally, remaining exposures for GRB250128B were taken in twilight.
In no exposure, could GRB250128B be identified. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-29 |
00:27 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIa290176 - ALIa290181 |
Observed with clear skies, variable seeing (1.0" - 1.5") and varying wind speed (13-15 m/s). |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-30 |
00:14 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIa300150 - ALIa300152 |
Only the second part of the ToO at the end of the night was observed because there were high winds throughout the night coming from the SE, which was in the direction of the GRB. So could only point the telescope at the target once it had moved outside this range, which was towards the very end of the night. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-01-31 |
00:19 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIa310113 - ALIa310115 |
Clear skies and seeing around 1.6''. Could only observe it once due to high winds, the other OB was set as failed. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-01 |
00:38 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIb010125 - ALIb010127, ALIb010145 - ALIb010147 |
First observation was begun at 2:13 with seeing 1.4'' at the beginning of the exposure.
The second observation was observed at 5:47. Humidity was ~70% at this time and had peaked right before. Seeing at the time of the second observation was 2.5-3''.
The first "CTRL C" execution was aborted due to the target being behind the lower hatch which was closed please ignore it. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-02 |
00:24 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIb020143 - ALIb020146 |
Target observed with seeing 1.5''-1.9''. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-03 |
00:24 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIb030284 - ALIb030287 |
Observed program without any issues. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-04 |
00:25 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIb040123 - ALIb040126 |
Target was observed with good weather and seeing (~1 arcsecond). |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-07 |
00:34 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIb070183 - ALIb07018 |
Observations were carried out under excellent seeing conditions (~0.5 arcsec). Moon illumination was around 75% |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-09 |
00:41 |
ToO |
GRB250129A |
ALIb090074 - ALIb090079 |
Had to terminate during 76 due to low passing cloud. Continued after humidity dropped. Observed with seeing conditions below 1.0" for middle 3 frames and 1.3" for the first/last frames. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-15 |
00:55 |
ToO |
GRB250215A |
ALIb150175 - ALIb150179, ALIb150201 - ALIb150206 |
ToOs observed with clear skies and good seeing. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-16 |
01:04 |
ToO |
GRB250215A |
ALIb160132 - ALIb160145 |
Target observed in clear skies with seeing around 0.7". For g', i and i' flats please use the morning flats as the evening ones were taken too late. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-17 |
00:00 |
ToO |
None |
None |
Could not open telescope all night due to high humidity and rain. |
Failed |
70-507 |
2025-02-18 |
00:46 |
ToO |
GRB250215A |
ALIb180280 - ALIb180287 |
Observed with clear skies and variable seeing due to high wind speeds. Lower
hatch was closed for a short portion of the observation. |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-19 |
00:37 |
ToO |
GRB250219A |
ALIb190358 - ALIb190365 |
Observed with good conditions. ToO was triggered during power outage and observed after a monitor target with strict airmass restrictions. Seeing was around 1.2" |
Observed |
70-507 |
2025-02-21 |
01:23 |
ToO |
GRB250221A |
ALIb210021 - ALIb210031 |
we had problems with finding a proper guiding star, which is why we had to abort the first observation runs. For the last run we had clear sky and everything ran smoothly. |
Observed |
Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information