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M1 and M2 reflectivity measurements

Reflectivity measurements since May 2002.
The NOT device has a light source of 4700A .

Date M1 Reflectivity % Roughness M2 Reflectivity % Device Comment
01.10.2009 84.0 +-1.4  51.6 +- 4.9 85.8 +-5.2 ING   
Realuminisation of M1 & M2 07-07-2009
08.04.2009 80.8 +-2.6  51.5 +- 7.6 84.2 +-3.6 ING  Calima early April
02.04.2009 82.05+-0.53  N/A N/A NOT  after CO2-cleaning ; test plate_2 82.6 +-0.3
02.04.2009 79.62+-0.73  N/A N/A NOT  before CO2-cleaning; calima early March
09.02.2009 82.66+-0.42  N/A N/A NOT  after CO2-cleaning ; test plate_2 84.4 +-0.3
09.02.2009 82.34+-0.63  N/A N/A NOT  before CO2-cleaning
19.09.2008 81.6+-0.4  N/A N/A NOT  after H2O-cleaning; ; test plate_2 83.0 +-0.4
19.09.2008 79.5+-0.9  N/A N/A NOT  before H2O-cleaning
27.08.2008 80.43+-0.55  N/A 80.0+-0.4  NOT  after CO2-cleaning ; test plate_2 81.8 +-0.2
27.08.2008 77.20+-0.56  N/A 79.9+-0.4  NOT  before CO2-cleaning
28.02.2008 85.6 +-0.10  56.8 +- 7.9 84.9 +-4.1 ING  CO2-cleaning 28.1.2008
27.12.2007 82.45+-0.44  N/A 81.1 +-1.3 NOT  after CO2-cleaning; test plate_1 83.1 +-1.2
27.12.2007 81.80+-0.58  N/A 83.9+-0.8  NOT  before CO2-cleaning
12.09.2007 82.52+-0.36  N/A N/A   NOT  after CO2-cleaning; test plate_1 83.2 +-0.7
12.09.2007 81.51+-0.78  N/A 83.2+-0.7  NOT  before CO2-cleaning
23.07.2007 88.1+-1.1  49.5 +- 5.2 86.4+-2.98  ING   
29.06.2007 82.67+-0.57  N/A 81.00+-0.78  NOT  after CO2-cleaning; test plate_1 82.9 +-0.8
29.06.2007 81.48+-0.86  N/A 81.28+-0.39  NOT  before CO2-cleaning
10.05.2007 83.45+-0.95  N/A N/A  NOT  after H2O-cleaning
10.05.2007 79.01+-1.39  N/A N/A  NOT  before H2O-cleaning ; test plate_1 83.7+-0.6
02.03.2007 82.76+-0.48  N/A N/A  NOT  after CO2-cleaning ; test plate_1 83.7+-0.4
02.03.2007 79.81+-0.98  N/A N/A NOT  before CO2-cleaning ; 
28.02.2007 83.4 +- 1.5 N/A 84.9 +- 1.3 ING   
01.08.2006 82.29+-0.29  N/A 80.64+-0.49  NOT  CO2-cleaning 25-07-06; test plate_1 82.2+-0.5
11.07.2006 82.18+-0.47  N/A 80.84+-0.67  NOT  After CO2-cleaning; test plate_1 81.9+-0.4
11.07.2006 82.22+-0.34  N/A 81.03+-0.99  NOT  Before CO2-cleaning
22.06.2006 82.66+-0.44  N/A 80.41+-0.88  NOT  After CO2-cleaning; test plate_1 82.4+-0.5
22.06.2006 82.22+-0.65  N/A 81.36+-0.53  NOT  Before CO2-cleaning
09.06.2006 86.87 34.67 N/A ING   
22.05.2006 82.77+-0.77  N/A 81.78+-0.44  NOT  After CO2-cleaning;  test plate_1 81.1+-0.6 test plate_2 81.6+-0.3
22.05.2006 82.30+-0.53  N/A 81.50+-0.87  NOT  Before CO2-cleaning;   CO2 cleaning 28-04-2006
07.04.2006 84.09+-0.54  N/A N/A NOT  After H2O-cleaning; test plate_1 81.6+-0.5
07.04.2006 82.05+-0.56  N/A N/A NOT  Before H2O-cleaning 
14.03.2006 87.03 47.56 N/A ING   
02.02.2006 88.40 45.51 N/A ING   
The NOT reflectometer had bad connections, fixed 02-2006
26.09.2005 81.40+-0.53  N/A N/A NOT  After CO2-cleaning   test plate_1 79.8+-0.7
26.09.2005 78.70+-0.40  N/A 79.88+-1.18 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
12.07.2005 81.38+-0.80  N/A 79.96+-0.74 NOT   
22.06.2005 88.83 28.12 N/A ING   
Realuminisation of M1 21-06-2005
08.03.2005 74.42+-0.77  N/A 79.24+-0.76 NOT    CO2 cleaning 07-03-2005
16.12.2004 81.28 117.77 N/A ING   
12.11.2004 83.33 97.64 N/A ING   
05.10.2004 83.47 88.33 N/A ING   
01.10.2004 77.80+-0.71  N/A N/A NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
01.10.2004 72.15+-1.12  N/A 79.99+-1.05 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
08.03.2004 79.47+-0.76 N/A 80.66+-0.30 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
08.03.2004 78.87+-0.78  N/A 80.29+-0.53 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
13.02.2004 80.00+-0.76  N/A 80.34+-0.82  NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
13.02.2004 77.82+-0.91  N/A 80.45+-0.45  NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
16.12.2003 80.17+-0.47  N/A 81.44+-0.57 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
16.12.2003 76.61 +-0.75  N/A 81.49+-0.59 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
02.06.2003 81.44+-0.40 N/A 81.51+-0.42 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
02.06.2003 79.32 +-0.34 N/A 80.94+-0.54 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
31.12.2002 81.62+-0.38 N/A 81.41+-1.05 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
31.12.2002 80.52+-0.49 N/A 79.63+-1.04 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
28.10.2002 82.01+-0.63 N/A 81.76+-1.05 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
28.10.2002 79.96+-0.89 N/A 80.10+-0.83 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
19.08.2002 82.39+-0.52 N/A 82.20+-1.05 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
19.08.2002 81.27+-0.63 N/A 81.72+-1.12 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning 
18.06.2002 82.81+-0.34 N/A 81.69+-0.75 NOT  After CO2-cleaning 
18.06.2002 81.81+-0.34 N/A 81.21+-3.18 NOT  Before CO2-cleaning
Realuminisation of M1 and M2 28-05-2002

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