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 Last changed: IS 2018-07-17  After a number of inquiries from especially alert students the
                              TCSclient messages have been updated with proper info about the
                              daily DB administration.
               IS 2021-08-02  "E: Security: Assumed INTERLOCK POWER SUPPLY FAILURE! (RotCablTwist?)"
                              replaces the old version after hint from Graham since this has
                              happened a few times and it has been the interlock supply that was blown.

    Error message list for TCS

   If errors are persistent and causes problems then write a Fault Report
   about it.
   The comments after the 'contact duty staff' are only intended for them.
   The warnings are sorted program wise, not in perfect alphabetical
   order within that category.
   Please discard the first 'W:' or 'E:' and other combinations that
   occurs in some messages, later that should not show on the screen. Some
   with 'TechInfo:' can be of interest.


   "ActiveOpticsOn: Mirror shape will be optimized."

      This is to notify the user that this very important command was given.

   "W:Adapter: ADC arm TIMEOUT when moving In!"
   "W:Adapter: ADC arm TIMEOUT when moving Out!"
   "Adapter: ADC arm lost position when Out."
   "W:Adapter: ADC arm lost position when In!"

      Try commanding it out or in. If this does not work (look at
      User Interface screen for status) then try observing without it,
      otherwise contact duty staff. Staff or observers can look at
      status page 26 for more details.

   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to OutPre!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to OutStop!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to MidPre forward!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to MidPre backward!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to MidStop!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to FIESturn!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe starting new turn to FIESturn!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to InPre!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CameraProbe going to InStop!"

      Try to operate it a few times, if no success contact duty staff.
      Perhaps the adapter power is gone, otherwise this indicates an
      electric/electronics error. In rare cases it could be a mechanical

   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CCD Filter PLC resetting InPosFlag!"
   "Adapter: TIMEOUT on CCD Filter PLC setting InPosFlag!"

      Might be a failure in the PLC that controls the filter mechanism.
      Try some times, take a StanCam exposure to check, if it looks bad then
      contact duty staff.
      A reset of the PLC is the first step, next is connecting the PLC
      laptop to it and check it on-line. Sequence is described in the PLC
      program documentation found in the red binder in the leftmost cabinet
      in the electronics lab. Especially a timeout when setting the flag 
      usually indicates a hanging filter holder due to encoder axis slip.
      In that case, realign as instructed in the web pages for small

   "Adapter: Leaving CCDfilter failure state."

      Issued when the error condition has been reset. In best case it
      might work now. No action required.

   "Adapter: TIMEOUT when powering on TV!"
   "Adapter: TV Power was lost!"

      Try again before contacting duty staff. Might be a power supply

   "Adapter: TIMEOUT when powering off TV!"

      Try again and watch the guide TV screen. Make sure all calibration
      lamps are off before closing mirror covers. Contact duty staff if in

   "Warning:ADCcontrol:Timeout when moving prism1!"
   "Warning:ADCcontrol:Timeout when moving prism2!"
   "Warning:ADCcontrol:Prism1 init pos still True, can't initialize!"
   "Warning:ADCcontrol:Timeout when initializing prism 1!"
   "Warning:ADCcontrol:Prism2 still at init pos, can't initialize!"
   "Warning:ADCcontrol:Timeout when initializing prism 2!"

      Try again after 2 minutes. If it does not work and if ADC operation
      is critical for the observations with FIES then contact duty staff.
      Staff: Look at status page 26 for details.

   "AltAzPower: Altitude oscillations! Servo ramps down."

      This is a secondary message, AltAzServo has detected the oscillation
      and quickly reduced output to zero, then this program, AltAzPower,
      will switch off.

   "AltAzPower: ALTITUDE OSCILLATIONS, switching off!"

      After AltAzServo detected the oscillations the power is now being
      switched off to the altaz drives. The whole telescope will also be
      powered off by the Security program. Do not switch on power to
      telescope again, consult duty staff.
      Staff: the problem can be related to motor/tachometer brushes.

   "AltAzPower: New Amplifiers set LOCAL while powering on"

      Either a hardware fault or someone really doing it.
      If powering on is not possible then contact duty staff.

   "AltAzPower: TIMEOUT on New altaz while powering on!"

      A failure in the AltAz power unit occured. Wait a minut and then try
      again. If still no success then contact duty staff.

   "AltAzPower: New Amplifiers set LOCAL while power was on"

      If not done by a staff member then if power is OK then continue
      to observe. If in the morning normal powering off does not work
      then use the red emergency stop button and notify in the EON report.

   "AltAzPower: Fault on New altitude amplifier 1!"
   "AltAzPower: Fault on New altitude amplifier 2!"
   "AltAzPower: Fault on New azimuth amplifier 1!"
   "AltAzPower: Fault on New azimuth amplifier 2!"

      Altaz power is switched off. Do 'power-off', wait a minute and then
      try to power on again. If all seems OK then try to observe, otherwise
      contact duty staff.

   "AltAzPower: New alt ampl 1 went OFF while power was on!"
   "AltAzPower: New alt ampl 2 went OFF while power was on!"
   "AltAzPower: New az ampl 1 went OFF while power was on!"
   "AltAzPower: New az ampl 2 went OFF while power was on!"

      Could be a building crash (distance between telescope azimuth and
      building less than 0.3 to 0.6 degrees where a safety switch cuts the power)
      or a altaz power/amplifier fault. The TCS usually automatically
      powers off when this happens. Wait a minute and try powering on again.
      If no success then contact duty staff.

   "W:AltAzPower: New Amplifiers set LOCAL while powering off"

      Could either be a hardware fault or staff really doing it.
      If this did not cause any problem then note in EON report, else
      if You want power back and that does not work then contact duty staff.

   "AltAzPower: TIMEOUT while powering off new altaz!"

      Indicates a failure in the altaz power unit. Look at the
      status page 1 and check power status. If this is in the morning then
      give 'power-off' command, if power goes off on all then fine,
      otherwise use red emergency stop button, then note in EON report.
      If You want power back then wait a minute before trying powering
      on again. If no success at powering on then contact duty staff.

   "AltAzPower: Leaving New altaz Failure state."

      Notifies that it is ready to try to operate normally. No special
      action required.

   "AltAzServo: Emergency ramping down, building safety cut!"

      During Slewing or Moving, if the building is stopped due to a safety
      system cut, like the stair beam beeing broken, the azimuth (and
      altitude) will slow down together with the building to full stop and
      wait there in Idle for the safety system to be reset so the building
      gets power back. Then You have to preset again to the target. In rare
      cases power might be lost also to altaz, in that case proper messages
      will be given.

   "AltAzServo: OSCILLATION IN ALTITUDE, switching off! Tell staff."

      Oscillations caused by hardware failure occured in altitude.
      To protect telescope and instrument power is switched off.
      Do not power on again until duty staff has been notified, if
      the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation is high then severe
      damage might occur to the equipment.
      Staff: problem might be related to motor/tachometer brushes.

   "AltAzServo:Telescop will stop in <73s if safety not reset" (example)

      During Tracking, while the building has been stopped, telescope continues
      to track the object as far as it can until it reaches a limit. The time
      given is the maximum possible, it might have to stop some seconds
      earlier. Just check the stair and remove possible obstacles and then
      reset safety system.

   "AltAzServo:Only tiny move accepted while wait for building power"
      Instead of trying to move telescope, check stair and reset safety system.

   "AltAzServo: Power lost, You will have to 'Power-On' again."

      Despite the precautions, telescope lost power anyway while it was
      waiting for safety system reset to get building power back, so check
      and reset safety system and power on the telescope again.

   "AltAzServo: Telescope stopped waiting for building power."
      Check stair and reset safety system, when power is back to building
      then preset to the object again.

   "AltAzServo: Telescope back in operation, Preset again."

      Safety system was reset and power is back to building, so just
      preset again to the object.

   "AltAzServo: AltAmplifier1 FAULT, emergency ramping down!"
   "AltAzServo: AltAmplifier2 FAULT, emergency ramping down!"
   "AltAzServo: AzAmplifier1 FAULT, emergency ramping down!"
   "AltAzServo: AzAmplifier2 FAULT, emergency ramping down!"

      If a serious fault occurs, altaz servo will try to immediately ramp
      down both altitude and azimuth speed to zero in a very short time. It
      also tells building servo to do the same with the building in order to
      reduce the risc for damage by azimuth bumping into building. Telescope
      power will then automatically be switched off.
      For staff: Note that due to preload, especially in altitude, it is not
      possible to control the runaway speed with the remaining amplifier
      driving but power off on altaz will be done rather immediate.

   "AltAzServo:Eng fault test trigger set, emergency ramping down!"

      Same as above except this is a deliberate test of the above
      functionality, should only be issued by real experts or their delegates.
      Saves equipment from unnecessary damage.

   "AltAzServo: Emergency ramping down, building failure!"

      If a serious error occurs in the building drives, altaz will immediately
      slow down to zero speed as the building is also assumed to do if it can.
      This can reduce damage from azimuth and building bumping into each other.

   "W:Autoguider,autopos: Large move, check with au-po-semi and preset?"
      The move to center the star was very large, could be an incorrect
      identification or even a brighter star not catalogued, but most likely
      not so good pointing. You could try to set 'auto-positioning-semi'
      and do a new preset. Now the guide star candidates will be marked as
      1 to 3, give e.g. '2' as a command if the number 2 star is more suitable.
   "W:Autoguider:AutoPos:Slow GuideProbe, try 'au-pos-retry'"

      The guide probe had a long way to go while the telescope had not.
      Just wait until guide probe has stopped and then do 'auto-pos-retry'.

   "W:Autoguider:AutoPositioning:Timeout when WaitForTVfilter"

      After a preset there should be a TV filter set when using
      the guide TV. If necessary set the tv filter manually with
      'tv-filt' and then do 'auto-pos-retry'.

   "W:Autoguider:Sorry, no proper guide star found on screen."

      Can be due to clouds, dust, bad TV focus, too bright background.
      Have a look at the guide star magnitude that is shown on the error
      device. Can also be bad pointing or a poor search algorithm in
      the autoguider software.

   "W:Autoguider:AutoPositioning:Timeout when WaitForObsChoice"

      When using the 'auto-pos-semi', and up to 3 guide stars are
      found and marked on the autoguider screen, the user has 1 minute
      to choose which one to use with the command '1', '2' or '3' or 
      cancel it by '0'.

   "BuildingPower: Reset safety system to power up!"

      An attempt was made to power on building without safety system beeing

   "BuildingPower: Drives must be REMOTE before powering on!"

      An attempt was made to power on new building drives while in LOCAL.
      Could be a hardware fault or staff actually setting it to local.
      Check with duty staff.

   "BuildingPower: Power-On command reset while powering on."
   "BuildingPower: Power-Off given while powering on!"
   "BuildingPower: Power-Off command given while powering on."

      It is ok to give 'pow-off' command while powering on, this is just
      to notify.


      Could be the stair beam beeing broken or an emergency stop hit or
      a fault in the safety system. If telescope is tracking then check
      stair and then reset safety system. If telescope cannot be powered
      on then contact duty staff.

   "BuildingPower: Drives were set LOCAL during powering on!"

      Could be a hardware fault or staff actually doing it.
      If staff is not working on telescope and You need it then contact
      duty staff.

   "BuildingPower: Timeout when powering on InFeed! Failure."

      There was apparently a failure when powering on the InFeed, the power
      supply for the new drives. Give 'power-off' and try again, if that
      does not help then contact duty staff.

   "BuildingPower: Timeout when enabling drives! Failure!"

      A fault seemed to occur when powering on the drives, give 'power-off'
      and try again. If no success then contact duty staff.
      For staff: You might need to look at the R2-D2 laptop to see what is
      going on. Red/yellow symbols indicates problems, more explanations in
      the R2-D2/SINAMICS pile of docs, see 'List Manual'.

   "BuildingPow:Pow-Off cmd given while wait for safety reset"

      Could be a deliberate 'pow-off' or the security program commanding
      power off due to a emergency stop hit.

   "BuildingPower: Check stair and reset safety system!"

      Just do so. Building is waiting to get power back.


      Could be the stair beam beeing broken, check and then reset safety
      system. If safety was cut due to some other reason and it is not
      possible to power on telescope again then contact duty staff.

   "BuildingPower: Drives were set LOCAL when power was on!"

      Could be a hardware fault or staff actually doing it. If telescope
      cannot be used then contact duty staff.

   "BuildingPower:FAULT in SINAMICS drives when power was on!"

      Probably accompanied by other related warnings. Building (if it can)
      will slow down to stop, so will azimuth. Telescope power will be
      switched off. Locate the building drive error display PC, called 'R2-D2'
      (at present sitting on a shelf in control room), connect as instructed
      on it and note down the error(s) and code(s). Then click on
      'Acknowledge all'.
      Try powering on telescope and move a bit, if that works fine then 
      disconnect the R2-D2 PC as instructed. Leave feedback to staff by
      filling in a fault report, include the error details.
      If telescope does not come back into operation then contact duty staff.

   "BuildingPower: MASTER DRIVE WENT OFF when power was on!"
   "BuildingPower: SLAVE 1 DRIVE SWITCHED OFF when power was on!"
   "BuildingPower: SLAVE 2 DRIVE SWITCHED OFF when power was on!"
   "BuildingPower: SLAVE 3 DRIVE SWITCHED OFF when power was on!"

      Could indicate a serious error in the building drives. An automatic
      powering off should be made. Locate the R2-D2 PC in control room  
      or electronics room, connect if needed, instructions should be attached
      on the PC. If the alarm/fault display shows red or yellow symbols in
      front of error messages then contact duty staff.
      Duty staff: For the 3 first ones there might be additional entries in
      the log if other drives also switched off, press the 'Log' and
      'Last Entries' to find out. Look for explanations to R2-D2 error messages
      in the huge pile of R2-D2/SINAMICS documentation, the 'List Manual'.
   "BuildingPower: TIMEOUT on disabling drives, going to FAIL!"

      Could be a wiring hardware fault or an internal failure in the building
      drives. It will be forced off. If later telescope cannot be powered on
      and used then contact duty staff.

   "BuildingPower: TIMEOUT on switching off InFeed, FAILURE!"

      If this repeats after some minute, then just hit a red emergency stop
      button to prevent potential hazards with powering on again. Tell in EON
      report if this was in the morning, if You need to power on again and
      that does not work then contact duty staff.
      Duty staff: Look for the R2-D2 error screen and see if there are any
      red/yellow marked messages. If so, explanations are found in
      'List Manual' in the pile of SINAMICS/R2-D2 documentation.


      Extra safety, would indicate a software error, the command 'power-on'    
      is protected against a remaining building drive fault. Follow the
      instructions on how to handle a building drive fault.

   "BuildingServo: TIMEOUT searching for Center Position upwards!"
   "BuildingServo: TIMEOUT searching for Center Position downwards!"

      Could be a building motor drive fault, a sensor fault or an
      electronics fault. Do not move telescope. Power off, wait 2 minutes
      and then try powering on again. If power comes on without any errors
      then give 'az-pos' with a position 0.3 degrees from actual position.
      If that works fine then try to observe, if it does not work fine then
      contact duty staff.

   "BuildingServo: FAULT in SINAMICS drives. Ramping down!"
      Probably accompanied by other related warnings. Building (if it can)
      will slow down to stop, so will azimuth. Telescope power will be
      switched off. Locate the building drive error display PC, called 'R2-D2'
      (at present sitting on a shelf in control room, could also sit in   
      electronics room), connect as instructed on it and note down the   
      error(s) and code(s). Then click on 'Acknowledge all'.
      Try powering on telescope and move a bit, if that works fine then
      disconnect building drive PC as instructed. Leave feedback to staff by
      filling in a fault report, include the error details.
      If telescope does not come back into operation then contact duty staff.

   "BuildingServo: Master drive went OFF!"

      Could be a serious error, any speed command to building is immediately
      set to zero, altaz servo will ramp down telescope speed to zero, to
      reduce risc for damage. There will be a bunch of other warnings about

   "BuildingServo: Slave1 drive went OFF! Ramping down!"
   "BuildingServo: Slave2 drive went OFF! Ramping down!"
   "BuildingServo: Slave3 drive went OFF! Ramping down!"

      Could be a serious error, any speed command to building is ramped down
      to zero, altaz will do the same to try to avoid a crash between building
      and telescope. Other warnings will show up.

   "BuildingServo:Eng fault test trigger active. Ramping down!"

      This is an engineering facility to fake serious errors for testing,
      may not be used during observation.

   "BuildingServo: Ramping down! Failure in AltAz!"

      An error occured in the altaz drives, building will ramp down speed
      to zero along a fast ramp to reduce damage in case of a runaway telescope.

   "BuildingServo: Leaving Failure state."

      Usually comes when power is off after a failure. Just for notification.

   "CounterWeights: TIMEOUT during initialization!"
   "CounterWeights: TIMEOUT while moving up!"
   "CounterWeights: TIMEOUT while moving down!"
   "CounterWeights: OVERLOAD during initialization!"
   "CounterWeights: OVERLOAD while moving up!"
   "CounterWeights: OVERLOAD while moving down!"

      The counterweights should only be operated by staff during an
      instrument change so this is for duty staff only.
      Give command 'stop-counter'.
      Go to electronics room and find the counterweights control at left
      side of distribution board. Open the door and set it to LOCAL.
      Go to observing floor and smell for burned motor. If no bad smell
      then use only manual operation, look at altitude motor currents
      display on status page 3 when telescope is at 55 degr altitude and
      mirror covers are open. Adjust so the difference is small, an
      imbalance of 0.2A is nothing.

   "CounterWeights: Set to LOCAL during initialization!"    
   "CounterWeights: Set to LOCAL while moving up!"
   "CounterWeights: Set to LOCAL while moving down!"

      The counterweights should only be operated by staff.
      If not deliberately set then it might be a hardware fault.

   "CounterWeights: Normal operation resumed."

      Just a notification. No action required.

   "Data rate TCS to Data Base is now OK again."

      In most cases this one comes about a minute after the
      "Low data rate TCS to Data Base! Can affect scripted observing!"
      unless there is an extended period with low transfer rates.

   "GPSclient: No answer from Big Ben time server last 10 minutes."

      The Big Ben time server did not answer at any call during the last
      10 minutes, it is called every 10 seconds.Meanwhile the TCS will use
      internal dead counting until GPS is back. Drift is 1s per 24/h.
      The date might also stay unchanged which makes data
      from TCS --> DataBase not show properly.
       For staff:
      Another alternative if the GPS time is not available is
      to use the old clock system instead, use the 'engineering' program
      on 'TCS/Alpha console', choose 3 for altaz (dont forget the space
      sometimes to get the last rows) and choose the number for using
      Old Clock. Watch the UI screen upper left, after the UT and ST it should
      say 'ol' for old clock instead of 'gp' for GPS. Note that if power is on,
      telescope must be in Idle mode when doing this to avoid possible jumps.
      Details for using alpha console are found inside door of TCS metal
      cabinet in electronics room.

   "GuideStar2Client: No contact with server, trying again ..."

      If You need a guide star, either wait a few seconds to a minute,
      if still not a guide star has arrived then try the web guide star
      facility, if still no success then look for guide stars manually
      by moving around the guide probe with 'x' and 'y'.
      The program automatically tries to re-establish contact with the
      server, if it fails then the network could be down or the guide star
      server has stopped working. Contact is established again, if the
      server is active, in either 2 seconds or 2 minutes. Note in EON report.
      Staff: Could be an effect of the guide star server not having been
      started after a boot of elena.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages
      complaining about
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... Failed in creating socket."
        "... Failed in connecting to socket."
        "... Wait 60s before try to reconnect ..."
        "... TCSclient waiting for DataBase server ..."
      then it can be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "GuideStar2Client: Failed to set guide probe position!"

      The guide star server returned an invalid x/y position. Try the
      'get-guide-star' command (use Help on it). Try the web facility
      or find one manually by moving around with the guide probe with
      'x' and 'y', see next message below for hints. Note in EON report.

   "GuideStar2Client:failed,res=1,'No star found', try other field rot"
   "GuideStar2Client:failed,res=2,'No field found',try other field rot"
   "GuideStar2Client:failed,res=3,'Unknown error', try other field rot"
   "GuideStar2Client:failed,res=4,'Error open file',try other field rot"
   "GuideStar2Client: fail,res=5,'Internal timeout',try other field rot"
   "GuideStar2Client: fail,res=6,'Failed executing',try other field rot"
   "GuideStar2Client:fail,res=10,'List size error',try other field rot"
   "GuideStar2Client:fail, illegal error returned, try other field rot"

      The error codes and hints are
         0   All OK
         1   No guide star found, nowadays we have restricted the search parameters
             so the probability of not finding a suitable guide star has increased.
             Might also happen if an internal disc error in the guide star server
             occurs. Try some 'g-g-s 1' or 'g-g-s 2', otherwise changing to another
             field rotation could be successful, like 90 or 180 degrees from actual.
             Searching by moving the guide probe as described below could if one
             is lucky give a hit.

      The rest of the possible errors are very rare
         2   This is an internal error in the server, try some 'g-g-s 1' or 'g-g-s 2'
         3   Unknown error,                 try some 'g-g-s 1' or 'g-g-s 2'
         4   Error in opening file,         try some 'g-g-s 1' or 'g-g-s 2'
         5   Timeout in waiting for result, try some 'g-g-s 1' or 'g-g-s 2'
         6   Failed to execute,             try some 'g-g-s 1' or 'g-g-s 2'
        10   This is an internal error in the server, try some 'g-g-s 1' or 'g-g-s 2'

      The guide star server failed to deliver a proper guide star.
      Try the 'get-guide-star' command (use Help on it). Try the web facility
      or find one manually by moving around with the guide probe with
      'x' and 'y'. Hint: do 'y 50000', 'x 10000', then 'x 200000' and watch
      the TV screen or autoguider screen while x sweeps. If You noticed a star
      swisching by then go back in x and find it. Repeat this procedure for
      y decreasing with 10000 on each sweep.
      Also do 'probe-step-size 30 30' and step around with the function keys
      for moving Guide Probe X/Y if that feels better.
      Use the diagram on the wall above the TCS UI screen for guidance about   
      the usable area.

   "Hydraulics: Set to LOCAL while powering on!"

      If not done deliberately by staff and power does not come on properly
      then contact duty staff.

   "Hydraulics: TIMEOUT while powering on!"

      Wait 3 minutes and then try again. If no success then contact
      duty staff.
      Might be low oil level, filter flow too low or a hardware error.

   "Hydraulics: Set to LOCAL while power is on!"

      If not done deliberately by staff then check power status on page 1.
      If all is OK then note in EON report, otherwise contact duty staff.

   "Hydraulics: TIMEOUT while powering off!"

      Check status page 1 for the status, note in EON report.

   "Hydraulics: Leaving Failure state."

      Just a notification, no action.

   "Low data rate TCS to Data Base! Can affect scripted observing!"

      TCS is sending data to the data base about 2 times per second.
      If this rate goes down there can be delays in updates and scripts
      might get incorrect information while waiting for e.g. tracking after
      a move. Keep an eye on the autoguider screen for a proper guide star
      and the user interface screen for telescope state if you were doing
      presets or teloffsets. In most cases You can expect the message
      "Data rate TCS to Data Base is now OK again." about a minute afterwards.

   "LowerHatch: TIMEOUT during opening!"
   "LowerHatch: TIMEOUT during closing!"

      Do not operate. Inspect and contact duty staff.

   "LowerHatch: Set to LOCAL during opening!"
   "LowerHatch: Set to LOCAL during closing!"

      If not done deliberately by staff then it might be a hardware error.
      If normal operation OK then note in EON report, but note that You
      might have to close it manually later. Otherwise contact duty staff.

   "LowerHatch: PLC failed during opening!"
   "LowerHatch: PLC failed during closing!"

      If normal operation is OK then note in EON report, otherwise
      contact duty staff. 
      For staff not familiar with PLC programming:
        Try 'stop-lower-hatch', 'close-lower-hatch' and perhaps
        'open-lower-hatch' if closing was ok. If not then go to the
        machine room, locate the hatch PLCs behind the glass door
        between compressors and hydraulic plant. Open the door and 
        press down the middle switch to acknowledge the fault (might
        need to help switch up again). Then try hatch operation from
        TCS terminal. If this still does not work then press down the
        top switch RESET (might need help up again) to restart the PLC
        program and then try the TCS commands again. If problem is still
        not solved then next section below might have to be used.
      For staff familiar with PLC programming:
        Locate the PLC programming laptop, the lower hatch PLC program
        list in a red binder in the leftmost cabinet in the electronics
        lab in the service building, connect laptop to PLC, start the
        FESTO program and investigate at will. You can stop the PLC
        program on line with 's', investigate and set outputs, then
        start the program again with 'r'. Do NOT erase the program,
        it might not load back due to the age of the laptop.

   "LowerHatch: Normal operation resumed."

      Just a notification, no action required.

   "W:MainWork:AutoPositioning: Timeout waiting for Ag/user."

      The user did not choose any marked guide star from the autoguider
      screen by giving '0', '1', '2' or '3'. Could also be that the
      autoguider has used a slightly longer time to find the stars in
      the frame. If this repeats for other objects then do
      'auto-positioning-off' and put the guide star in the star box the
      manual way.

   "W:MainWork:AutoPositioning: Timeout waiting for center move!"

      The time for the telescope to move the guide star to center was too
      long, could be that the margins were set tight. If this repeats for
      other objects then do 'auto-positioning-off' and put the guide star
      in the star box the manual way.

   "W:MainWork: TV auto focus optimization did not succeed, sorry."
   "W:MainWork:AutoPositioning: Timeout waiting for TV focus optimization!"

      The search for the best TV focus failed, try adjusting it in the UI.

   "W: MainWork: AzUnwinding: FAILED DUE TO HIGH WIND and UPWIND passing"

      The preset cannot be started or completed because the wind is too strong
      and the upper hatch not closed. The unwinding would need to move the
      telescope so it got into the upwind region of +/- 85 degrees from the
      incoming wind. The only solution is to close the upper hatch before doing
      the preset or wait until the wind has decreased.
   "MainWork:BoxMotion: Box at limit, BOX MOTION AND GUIDING STOPPED!"
      When tracking moving objects by countermoving star box it might reach
      the edge of the autoguider screen, then the natural action is to
      skip the autoguiding.

   "W: MainWork, BoxMotionRepositioning: Failed in 'Opt-Box-Pos'."

      This service could not be performed during repositioning of the star
      box and guide probe for following moving objects in differential tracking.

   "W:MainWork,BoxMotionReposition:GuideProbe out of limits! No guiding"

      The guide probe could not be repositioned outside the limits. Try another
      guide star.

   "W: MainWork, BoxMotionReposition: Timeout on GuideProbe, no guiding!"

      The guide probe movement timed out during repositioning in differential

   "MainWork, Noon: Active Optics set to ON!"

      The active optics was off for some reason, program MainWork sets it
      ON at noon in that case.

   "MainWork: ROTATOR TRACKING LOST! Catching up."

      Usually happens when the rotator reaches an end limit, then it will
      be automatically turned 360 degrees. If this was not the case it
      might have suffered from bad control or a hardware error. Continue
      to try to observe, if not successful contact duty staff.
      Duty staff can check status page 23 and look at the rotator position
      error in case this was not a 360 degree turn. Also look at the
      amp meters on the PA in rack 23, if they jump then there might be
      a serious hardware error.


      The telescope has reached altitude 6.02 degrees and cannot go lower.
      Go to another object.

   "Warning:MainWork:TELESCOPE ALT TRACKING LOST! Catching up"

      Probably a serious error. Listen for unusual sounds from the
      telescope, try to do 'zenith'. If this happens more than once then
      call duty staff.
      Duty staff should check the amp meters on altitude PA in rack 21
      while trying a manual power on of altitude.

   "Warning:MainWork:TELESCOPE AZ TRACKING LOST! Catching up"

      Could happen if observing very close to zenith, otherwise if it
      happens more than one time it could indicate a serious hardware
      error, then call duty staff.

   "MainWork: TELESCOPE TRACKING LOST! Catching up."

      Might happen near zenith, otherwise try to continue to observe.
      If no success contact duty staff.
      Might be bad software control, altitude brakes faults, amplifier
      faults etc.

   "W:MainWork:Turning rotator 360 degrees. Wait 2.5 min."

      Appears in connection with the above message. For notification.
      If doing a long exposure, just Hold it and wait for the turning
      to finish. During the turning autoguiding will be kept on in order
      to avoid an unintentional preset to another object. Since the TV filter
      is closed during the turning there will be no resulting autoguider
      corrections, the telescope will do blind tracking. After the turning
      tracking will be switched on again, TV filter will be set back to
      what it was and guiding will continue as usual, dragging the guide star
      to the center of the box and thereby the object to the same position as
      before on the instrument. There is normally no need for any readjustment
      of the object position, the position should be within some 1/10'th of an
      arcsecond. Especially, DO NOT move the guide star box. If the position
      of the object should not be exactly the same after the turning, note 
      in the EON report or write a fault report. NOTE that if the guide star
      should appear again outside the star box after the turning, then just
      do 'auto-pos-retry'.

   "MirrorCovers: Open command removed during opening A!"
   "MirrorCovers: Open command removed during opening B!"
   "MirrorCovers: Close command removed during closing B!"
   "MirrorCovers: Close command removed during closing A!"

      Notification that the 'stop-mirror-covers' command was given,
      otherwise it might be a hardware or software error. If operation
      is OK then note in EON report, otherwise contact duty staff.

   "MirrorCovers: TIMEOUT during opening A!"
   "MirrorCovers: TIMEOUT during opening B!"
   "MirrorCovers: TIMEOUT during closing B!"
   "MirrorCovers: TIMEOUT during closing A!"

      They might be stuck. Do not operate. Inspect and contact duty staff.

   "MirrorCovers: Normal operation assumed."

      Just a notification, no action required.

   "MirrorServos: SupplyPressure low! Going down ..."

      Go immediately to zenith. Check air compressor. Contact duty
      staff if compressor is failing.

   "MirrorServos: Mirror lowered, waiting for pressure ..."

      Keep telescope at zenith until air pressure is back.

   "W:NewWeatherWXT510:Failed in creating socket."
   "W:NewWeatherWXT510:Failed in connecting to socket."
   "W:NewWeatherWXT510:Wait 60s before try to reconnect to ESR902."
   "NewWeatherWXT510: nothing received from New WS."

      Can happen if the network or the communication device (ESR902) is
      malfunctioning. The TCS will try to reestablish contact continously.
      The data from this new weather station is not yet influencing the
      operation of the telescope, but if it is a communication failure the
      old weather station data might also not be available.
      Note in EON.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages
      complaining about
        "... No contact with server, trying again ...",
        "... TCSclient waiting for DataBase server ..."
      then it can be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "NewWeatherWXT510, line too long."

      Indicates communication problems. If persistent then note in EON.

   "W:nnhostintf5, (all commands): Called with wrong access code!"
   "W:nnhostintf6, (all commands): Called with wrong access code!"

      The old RPC servers are occasionally used with some observing.
      This warning is to make the observer aware of the need to
      enter the proper TCS access code in the observing system,
      otherwise commands are rejected.

   "Preset: Autopositioning and guide-star-manual CONFLICTS!"
      Can be a result of combining script commands or UI commands
      incorrectly. Just choose how You want it by 'Guide-Star-Automatic'
      or 'Auto-Positioning-Off'.

   "W:(1 of 3) Preset,Unwinding: Note that if wind increases a bit then"
   "W:(2 of 3) Upper Hatch has to be closed before preset/unwinding can"
   "W:(3 of 3) be made! Az may not pass Az  15 - 185 in too high wind!"

      If the wind speed is just below the critical limit then if it increases a bit
      the azimuth unwinding can be aborted because passing the specified azimuth
      upwind range with upper hatch opened will not be allowed.

   "W:Preset rejected! Az may not go to Az  15 - 185 in too high wind!"

      The telescope may not be pointed to the specified range in this wind with
      the upper hatch opened. Wait for lower wind or choose an object away from
      the specified azimuth (actual) range.

   "Prog ActiveOptics failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      But only if the image quality degrades significantly.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'activeoptics ^128 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha) console'.

   "E: Prog Adapter fail! Check adapter power, reboot might be needed!"
   "E:Prog Adapter fail!Try 'startadapter' on alpha console,tell staff!"

      Might be a power cut to the adapter. Check before contacting
      duty staff, see Fault Report 1065 for advice. 
      Check optic fiber, in an emergency use a spare one.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'startadapter'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha) console'.

   "Prog AltAzPower failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      Try to continue to observe if power is still on and note in EON
      report, otherwise contact duty staff.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'altazpower ^127 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha) console'.

   "Prog AltAzServo failed! Reboot needed, tell staff!"

      Might be caused by a power cut to Rack 22 in the electronics room,
      in that case together with a few other programs.
      Contact duty staff for a power investigation and a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'altazservo ^140 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog AutoGuider failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      Could be a need for a slight timing adjustment since this program
      performs the search for guide stars in the TV frame. In that case
      status page 21 should show that AutoGuider program updates a counter.
      If so, ignore the warning and not in EON report.
      Could also be caused by a software error or a failure in the frame
      grabber module. Then contact duty staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'autoguider ^133 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha) console'.
   "Prog BuildingPower failed! Reboot recommended,tell staff."

      If power to the building is still on then continue to observe and
      note in EON report, use the red emergency stop button in the morning
      when the 'power-off' command has done its part, otherwise contact
      duty staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'buildingpower ^127 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog BuildingServo failed! Reboot needed, tell staff!"
      If this happens together with a number of other programs then it could
      be a power cut to Rack 22 in the electronics room.
      Contact duty staff for a power investigation and a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'buildingservo ^136 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog CounterWeights failed! Reboot in day time, note EON."

      Note in EON report.
      Staff: It might not even be nessecary to reboot if the same instrument
      stays on. Then tell observers to ignore the warning.

   "Prog CPUloadCalc failed! No action, note in EON report."

      As it states.

   "Prog GPSclient failed! Keep an eye on time, note in EON."

      If the tracking of stars is OK then just note in EON report,
      otherwise contact duty staff for a reboot or investigation.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly
      by 'gpsclient ^130 >>>/s1 &' on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.
      Another alternative if the GPS time is not available is
      to use the old clock system instead, use the 'engineering' program
      on 'TCS/Alpha console', choose 3 for altaz (dont forget the space
      sometimes to get the last rows) and choose the number for using
      Old Clock.
      Watch the UI screen upper left, after the UT and ST it should say
      'ol' for old clock instead of 'gp' for GPS.

   "Prog GuideStar2Client failed! Find manually or ask staff."

      The guide star server might be absent. Guide stars can also be found
      manually by moving the guide probe with 'x' and 'y'.
      It is not certain that a full reboot might help.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'guidestar2client >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog Hydraulics failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      If power is still on (see status page 1 upper right) then continue
      observing and note in EON report.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'hydraulics ^122 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog LowerHatch failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      Hatches can be operated manually, see old tcs manual.
      If needed, contact duty staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'lowerhatch ^122 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog MainLogger failed! NOTE IN EON REPORT!"

      This is the program that writes log and warning messages to file.
      Please note in EON report.

   "Prog MainWork failed! Reboot needed, tell staff!"

      This is the main position calculation and control program. Telescope
      cannot be used without it. Try a 'power-off' if the telescope is powered
      on, if that does nor help then the red emergency stop button must be
      used. Contact duty staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'mainwork ^134 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console' but in this case a reboot is the
      recommended action.

   "Prog MirrorCovers failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      Since there is no manual operating mode for these, contact duty
      staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'mirrorcovers ^122 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'. If the program does not run and if
      this is the only problem and the telescope otherwise functions well,
      then in the morning set 'alt 40', power off and close upper hatch
      manually with handset after switching to 'Local' in the machine room
      hatch control cabinet.

   "Prog MirrorServos failed! GOTO ZENITH! Reboot needed!"

      This might be caused by a failing optofiber to the mirror control
      or a power failure for it. 
      Contact duty staff for a reboot or investigation.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'mirrorservos ^137 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'. The 'newiotest' program can also be
      used for detailed checks of the communication to the mirror control.

   "Prog RotatorPower failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      If power is still on (see status page 1) then continue observing
      and note in EON report. It might be needed to use the red emergency
      stop button when powering off in the morning.
      Otherwise contact duty staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'rotatorpower ^127 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog RotatorServo failed! Reboot needed, tell staff."

      If other programs also has aborted then it might be a power failure in
      Rack 22. Contact duty staff for an investigation and reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'rotatorservo ^139 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog SaveToFile failed! Respect +/- 4 azimuth turns!"

      This program saves the actual azimuth turns count to disc.
      Note in EON report.
      Staff: It is mandatory to check the rotation of the fiber cables
      thru the rotaseal, done from cathedral.

   "Prog Security failed! RESPECT WEATHER LIMITS! Note in EON"

      If this program fails there is no automatic closing at bad weather
      conditions. Please be careful and respect the weather limits.
      Please note in EON report.
      Staff: Reboot.

   "Prog SupportSlowIO failed! Reboot needed, tell staff."

      Might be a power fail in rack 22 if other programs also have
      aborted. Contact duty staff for an investigation and reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'supportslowio ^126 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'. The 'newiotest' program can be
      used for investigations like reading input cards.
      Note that hatches might have to be closed manually.

   "Prog TCSclient waiting for DataBaseServer! Tell staff."

      No data is communicated to the DB. Could be that the DB server is
      not in operation or in most of the cases, it is busy with internal
      administration. This administration is done winter time 12:01UT for a few
      minutes and 13:20UT for 2-10 minutes, in summer time 11:01UT for a few
      minutes and 13:20UT for 2-10 minutes. If there are several of these messages
      outside DB administration time during day time then check with the comp guys,
      otherwise a TCS reboot might help.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages like these:
        "... No contact with server, trying again ...",
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... Failed in creating socket."
        "... Failed in connecting to socket."
        "... Wait 60s before try to reconnect ..."
      then it can be the usual feature of TCS loosing the network capability or
      it might rarely be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.
   "Prog TelescopePower failed! Reboot recommended,tell staff"

      If power is still on (see status page 1) then continue observing
      and note in EON report. Use the red emergency stop button in the
      morning. Otherwise contact duty staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'telescopepower ^121 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog TopUnitPower failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      If power is still on (see status page 1) then continue observing
      and note in EON report. It might be needed to use the red emergency
      stop button in the morning if normal 'power-of' does not work.
      Otherwise contact duty staff for a reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'topunitpower ^122 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "Prog TopUnitServos failed! Reboot needed, tell staff."

      Might be a failure in the serial port that communicates with the
      top unit sensor devices or the RS-232/RS-485 communication device.
      Can also be a power cut to rack 22, then other programs will also
      be aborted. Since this is needed for focussing, contact duty staff 
      for an investigation and reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'topunitservos ^132 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'. In that case look for error messages on
      the error screen.
   "Prog UpperHatch failed! Reboot needed, tell staff."

      The hatches can be manually operated, see old tcs manual.
      If that is not possible, contact duty staff for an investigation
      and reboot.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'upperhatch ^122 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'.

   "W: Prog UPSclient failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      This program is very important since it supervices the capacity left in
      the UPS battery section. 

   "Prog Weather failed! RESPECT WEATHER LIMITS! Note in EON."

      Check weather on other telescopes, be responsible.
      Note in EON report.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages
      complaining about
        "... No contact with server, trying again ...",
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... Failed in creating socket."
        "... Failed in connecting to socket."
        "... Wait 60s before try to reconnect ..."
      then it can be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "Prog xtms1_clnt failed! Reboot recommended, tell staff."

      This is the program that gets the telescope structure temperature
      from the temperature server. This might affect focussing quite much
      in case of temperature changes of > 0.5 degrees. Check up on focus
      regularly and check outside temperature on status page 1.
      If necessary contact duty staff for a reboot.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages
      complaining about
        "... No contact with server, trying again ...",
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... Failed in creating socket."
        "... Failed in connecting to socket."
        "... Wait 60s before try to reconnect ..."
      then it can be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "RotatorPower: PSU set to LOCAL while powering on!"
   "RotatorPower: PA set to LOCAL while powering on!"
   "RotatorPower: PSU and/or PA set to LOCAL while power is on!"

      If not done deliberately by staff then it might be a hardware fault
      either in the rotator drive electronics or the I/O signals.
      If the power comes on OK then just observe and note in EON report.
      If power does nor come on contact duty staff.
      In worst case it can be a fatal error in the rotator cable twist,
      in that case rotator power will not come on. There should be another
      warning "Security: ROTATOR CABLE TWIST ALARM! See err message list".
      That would be a serious fault.

   "RotatorPower: PA error while releasing brakes!"

      If the rotator power does not come on OK (see status page 1) then
      try 'power-of' and wait 5 minutes, then try 'power-on' again.
      If no success then contact duty staff.
      Might be an error in the rotator hardware.

   "RotatorPower: PA error while power was on!"

      Might be an error in the rotator hardware. If power automatically
      goes off then wait 5 minutes and try 'power-on' again. If no success
      then contact duty staff.

   "RotatorPower: PA error while engaging brakes!"

      If this occurs during an intended powering off then note in
      EON report.

   "RotatorPower: Leaving Failure state."

      Just a notification. No action.

   "W:RotatorServo: Encoder readings unreliable, see err list"

     If guide stars seems stable on screen it might only have been a short
     problem with the rotator position encoder, just continue observing.
     If observing seems to suffer then tell duty staff, the rotator
     encoder might be permanently damaged.
     This warning comes after the readings have been continously incorrect
     for 2 seconds, that is 100 readings.

   "W:RotatorServo:Encoder fail,'alt 90','po-of', tell staff!"

     Please immediately go to zenith and power off telescope. Contact duty
     staff for an investigation, it might be a permanent failure in the
     rotator position encoder.
     Duty staff: release rotator brakes manually up there by bypassing
     the rotator air valve, rotate manually and check readings on status
     page 23.
     This warning comes only if the readings have been continously failing
     for 2 seconds, that is 100 readings.

   (Security, weather related)

   "Security: Autoclosing for humidity might be done in 4 minutes."
   "Security: Autoclosing for humidity might be done in 3 minutes."
   "Security: Autoclosing for humidity might be done in 2 minutes."
   "Security: Autoclosing for humidity is probably done in 1 minute!"

      When humidity is over 90%.

   "Security: Autoclosing for RAIN might be done in 40 seconds"

      If the old weather station rain sensor is affected a sufficiently
      long time the TCS will autoclose the telescope. Check outside if it
      seems to rain. Also look at status page 25 to see the new weather
      station data if it agrees. If this is persistent for some time and
      it does not seem to rain, duty staff could be contacted for a possible
      override of the rain sensor, but only after careful checking.

   "W:Security: Az move fr  15-185 can happen if WindFilt>17m/s or in 4 m"
   "W:Security: Az move fr  15-185 can happen if WindFilt>17m/s or in 3 m"
   "W:Security: Az move fr  15-185 can happen if WindFilt>17m/s or in 2 m"
   "W:Security: Az move fr  15-185 can happen if WindFilt>17m/s or in 1 m"

      The telescope is pointing towards the wind and the wind is too strong.
      If the filtered wind speed goes over 17 m/s then an automove is
      performed immediately, otherwise it might be done because the wind is
      continously just above the limit of 15 m/s. Be prepared to
      save the exposure if the move is done. The azimuth range at risc is included
      in the message to help judge where it might be more safe to observe.

   "Security: Az move might be done any time if WindFilt>17m/s or in 4 m"
   "Security: Az move might be done any time if WindFilt>17m/s or in 3 m"
   "Security: Az move might be done any time if WindFilt>17m/s or in 2 m"
   "Security:Az move might be done any time if WindFilt>17m/s or in 1 min"

      The telescope is pointing towards the wind and the wind is too strong.
      If the filtered wind speed goes over 17 m/s then an automove is
      performed immediately, otherwise it might be done because the wind is
      continously just above the limit of 15 m/s. Be prepared to
      save the exposure if the move is done.

   "Security: Closing lower hatch."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because humidity > 90 for > 5 min."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because of detected rain."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because WindFilt > 22m/s."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because WindFilt > 20m/s for > 5 min."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because WindFilt > 14m/s."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because WindFilt > 12m/s for > 5 min."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because Dusty and WindFilt > 14m/s."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch because Dusty and WindFilt > 12m/s."
   "Security: Closing lower hatch: Dusty and WindFilt > 12m/s for > 5 min"
   "Security: Closing lower hatch: Dusty and WindFilt > 10m/s for > 5 min"
   "Security: Closing mirror covers."
   "Security: Closing mirror covers because humidity > 90 for > 5 min."
   "Security: Closing mirror covers because of detected rain."
   "E: Security: Closing mirror covers because of low UPS battery level!"
   "Security: Closing mirror covers because WindFilt > 22m/s."
   "Security: Closing mirror covers because WindFilt > 20m/s for > 5 min."
   "Security: Closing mirror covers because Dusty and WindFilt > 14m/s."
   "Security: Closing mirror covers: Dusty and WindFilt >12m/s for >5 min"
   "Security: Closing upper hatch."
   "Security: Closing upper hatch because humidity > 90 for > 5 min."
   "Security: Closing upper hatch because of detected rain."
   "Security: Closing upper hatch because WindFilt > 22m/s."
   "Security: Closing upper hatch because WindFilt > 20m/s for > 5 min."
   "Security: Closing upper hatch because Dusty and WindFilt > 14m/s."
   "Security: Closing upper hatch: Dusty and WindFilt > 12m/s for > 5 min"

      Notification to observers and the log. No other action necessary.
      Please respect re-opening limits.

   "Security: Dusty & Wind > 10 m/s. Close lower hatch?"

      Please consider this.

   "Security: Dusty & Wind > 10 m/s. Close side ports ?"

      Please try to do this. The one opposite the entrance door might
      need aligning with the 3 marks, check on status page 3, all closed
      signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Dusty & Wind > 10 m/s. Close/align South sideport?"

      Please check that the South sideport at the crane opposite the entrance
      door is closed and aligned with the 3 marks, check on status page 3,
      all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Dusty and Wind > 12 m/s. Close hatches ?"

      Please do so to avoid damage to the telescope.

   "Security: Dusty & Wind > 12 m/s. Close side ports."

      Please do so. The one opposite the entrance door might need
      aligning with the 3 marks, check on status page 3, all closed
      signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Dusty & Wind > 12 m/s. Close/align South sideport?"

      Please check that the South sideport at the crane opposite the entrance
      door is closed and aligned with the 3 marks, check on status page 3,
      all closed signals should say 'Y'.
   "Security: Dusty and Wind > 12 m/s. Close hatches ?"

      Please do so to avoid damage to the telescope.

   "Security: Dusty & Wind > 12 m/s. Close side ports."

      Please do so. The one opposite the entrance door might need
      aligning with the 3 marks, check on status page 3, all closed
      signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Dusty & Wind > 12 m/s. Close/align South sideport?"

      Please check that the South sideport at the crane opposite the entrance
      door is closed and aligned with the 3 marks, check on status page 3,
      all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Humidity > 90%. Perhaps close hatches ?"

      Please do so to avoid damage to the telescope.

   "Security: Humidity > 90%. Please close side ports."

      Please try to do this. The one opposite the entrance door might need
      aligning with the 3 marks, check on status page 3, all closed signals
      should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Humidity > 90%. Please close/align South sideport?"

      Please check that the South sideport at the crane opposite the entrance
      door is closed and aligned with the 3 marks, check on status page 3,
      all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: It is perhaps raining. Close side ports?"

      Check outside. If no raindrops are felt and there is no cloud above
      then do nothing, otherwise please close the side ports. The one
      opposite the entrance door might need aligning with the 3 marks,
      check on status page 3, all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: It is perhaps raining. Close/align South sideport?"

      Check outside. If no raindrops are felt and there is no cloud above
      then do nothing, otherwise please check that the South sideport at
      the crane opposite the entrance door is closed and aligned with
      the 3 marks, check on status page 3, all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: It might be RAINING! Close hatches ?"

      Check outside. If no raindrops are felt and there is no cloud above
      then do nothing, otherwise please close hatches if that is not already
      beeing done automatically. If this comes during closing then just let
      it complain until closed.

   "W:Security:(1) It might rain, PLEASE CHECK OUTSIDE,autoclose in 2 min"
   "W:Security:(2) 'Ok-Close' to close NOW or 'No-Close' to cancel(->Log)"

      These 2 comes together since there is limited space on the warning line in
      the old fashioned VT100 bases User Interface. They are part of a temporary
      solution with having only one functional weather station. This station gives
      false rain detection at winds above about 12 m/s. To still have security for
      cases of real rain the observer is expected to have a quick look outside to
      check if it is really raining or not. Then there are 3 choices:
         1: Do nothing, autoclosing will be done automatically in about 2 minutes.
         2: Give command 'Ok-Close' (shortest form 'ok-cl') which will start an
            immediate closing of the telescope.
         3: Give command 'No-Close' (shortest form 'no-cl') which will keep the
            telescope opened without any new rain warnings for about 10 minutes.
            For security follow up a log entry will be made in the Talker.

   "WS: Security: The rain seems to have stopped, no autoclosing"

      If the observer did nothing about the situation described just above
      and the rain detection went away then this is just a notification to
      say all is ok.

   "W: Security: Autoclosing cancelled for 10 minutes by 'No-Close'"

      This is because the observer gave the command 'No-Close' in connection
      with the above described situation. 


      The observer did not give any input as a consequence of the rain alarm
      from the WXT520 weather station and thus the security system will close
      the telescope. See the above related warnings.

   "E: Security: Closing telescope now, 'Ok-Close' given."

      The observer choose to give the command 'Ok-Close' as a result of the
      warning for rain from the WXT520 weather station (the only one in use)
      so the closing starts immediately. See above for a number of related messages.

   "Security: Low hatch might autoclos for dust+wind within 4 minute"
   "Security: Low hatch might autoclos for dust+wind within 3 minute"
   "Security: Low hatch might autoclos for dust+wind within 2 minute"
   "Security: Low hatch probably autoclosed for dust+wind in 1 minute!"

      In dusty conditions, if the filtered wind speed goes over 12 m/s then
      it is immediate closing time for the lower hatch, otherwise the wind
      is just above 10 m/s and if it is over that limit for 5 minutes
      continously then closing is done.
      In case of large zenith distance observing (altitude < 35 deg) then
      be prepared to save the exposure if this happens. Please do not
      expose the telescope to bad weather. Note that the effective
      mirror diameter will decrease because of the closed lower hatch as the
      zenith distance grows. Down to 19 degrees some light still comes thru.

   "Security:Might close (dust+wind) any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 4 m"
   "Security:Might close (dust+wind) any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 3 m"
   "Security:Might close (dust+wind) any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 2 m"
   "Security:Might close (dust+wind) any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 1 m"

      In dusty conditions, if the filtered wind speed goes over 14 m/s then
      it is immediate closing time, otherwise the wind is just above 12 m/s
      and if it is over that limit for 5 minutes continously then closing is
      One or more weather parameters is above the limit for closing.
      Please do not expose the telescope to bad weather.
      Be prepared to save the currect exposure if this happens
      since mirror covers are the first ones to close.
      The lower hatch starts simultaneously.
      If the weather conditions are close to the closing limits
      then the counting might be restarted.

   "Security: Might close for wind any time if WindFilt>22m/s or in 4 min"
   "Security: Might close for wind any time if WindFilt>22m/s or in 3 min"
   "Security: Might close for wind any time if WindFilt>22m/s or in 2 min"
   "Security: Might close for wind any time if WindFilt>22m/s or in 1 min"

      If the filtered wind speed goes over 22 m/s then it is immediate
      closing time, otherwise the wind is just above 20 m/s and if it is
      over that limit for 5 minutes continously then closing is done.
      One or more weather parameters is above the limit for closing.
      Please do not expose the telescope to bad weather.
      Be prepared to save the currect exposure if this happens
      since mirror covers are the first ones to close.
      The lower hatch starts simultaneously.
      If the weather conditions are close to the closing limits
      then the counting might be restarted.

   "Security:Might close low hatch any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 4 min"
   "Security:Might close lower hatch any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 3 m"
   "Security:Might close lower hatch any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 2 m"
   "Security:Might close lower hatch any time if WindFilt>14m/s or in 1 m"

      If the filtered wind speed goes over 14 m/s then it is immediate
      closing time for the lower hatch, otherwise the wind is just above
      12 m/s and if it is over that limit for 5 minutes continously then
      closing is done.

   "E:Security:Moving away from upwind Az  15-185 because WindFilt>17m/s!
   "E:Security:Moving away fr upwind Az  15-185, WindFilt >15m/s for > 5m"
   "E: Security: Moving away from upwind Az  15 - 185, don't know why"

      Save the current exposure immediately if possible. Use the upwind azimuth range
      in the message to judge where it is more safe to observe in the high wind.
      (The 3'rd message is just a precaution if conditions makes the program confused)

   "Security: Moving away from wind!"
   "Security: Moving away from wind because WindFilt > 17 m/s !"
   "Security: Moving away from wind because WindFilt > 15m/s for > 5 min!"

      Save the current exposure immediately. Choose an object that is
      not upwind, which is within 85 degrees from the actual wind direction.
      Use the resulting stop position as a help.

   "Security: Stopping lower hatch."
   "Security: Stopping upper hatch."

      Notification to observers and the log. Might happen if the hatch is
      going the wrong way during an autoclose situation. Can happen in
      sudden weather changes while opening, in some case also if it is
      stopped and reopened during such an autoclose.

   "Security: Waiting for mirror covers opening before closing them!"

      Might happen in an autoclose situation if covers were commanded
      to open just before the weather conditions got too bad.
      No action needed, just be caucious about the weather.

   "Security: Wind > 12 m/s. Perhaps close lower hatch?"

      Please consider this.

   "Security: Wind > 12 m/s. Perhaps close side ports ?"

      Please consider this.

   "Security: Wind > 12 m/s. Perhaps close/align South sideport?"

      If You feel like it please check that the South sideport at the crane
      opposite the entrance door is closed and aligned with the 3 marks,
      check on status page 3, all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Wind > 15 m/s. Close all side ports."

      Please try to do this. The one opposite the entrance door might need
      aligning with the 3 marks, check on status page 3, all closed signals
      should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Wind > 15 m/s. Close/align South side port?"

      Please check that the South sideport at the crane opposite the entrance
      door is closed and aligned with the 3 marks, check on status page 3,
      all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Wind > 15 m/s. Close lower hatch !"

      Please do so to avoid damage to the telescope.

   "Security: Wind > 15 m/s. Perhaps move away from upwind Az  15 - 185?"

      If this wind continues for a total of 5 minutes the telescope will move away
      from the specified azimuth range to protect the telescope when upper hatch is
      not closed. Look at status page 1 for wind direction. Try to observe an object
      on the other side.

   "Security: Wind > 20 m/s. Perhaps close hatches ?"

      Please do so to avoid damage to the telescope.

   "Security: Wind > 20 m/s. Close all side ports !"

      Please do this. The one opposite the entrance door might need
      aligning with the 3 marks, check on status page 3, all closed
      signals should say 'Y'.

   "Security: Wind > 20 m/s. Close/align South side port !"

      Please check that the South sideport at the crane opposite the entrance
      door is closed and aligned with the 3 marks, check on status page 3,
      all closed signals should say 'Y'.

   (Security, sunrise autoclose things)

   "W:Security: Sunrise approaching, autoclosing in 5 minutes"
   "W:Security: Sunrise approaching, autoclosing in 4 minutes"
   "W:Security: Sunrise approaching, autoclosing in 3 minutes"
   "W:Security: Sunrise approaching, autoclosing in 2 minutes"
   "W:Security: SUNRISE APPROACHING, autoclosing in 1 minute!"
   "W:Security: SUNRISE, CLOSING NOW!"

   "W:Security: ExtendedSunrise approaching, closing in 5 min"
   "W:Security: ExtendedSunrise approaching, closing in 4 min"
   "W:Security: ExtendedSunrise approaching, closing in 3 min"
   "W:Security: ExtendedSunrise approaching, closing in 2 min"
   "W:Security: EXTENDEDSUNRISE APPROACHING, closing in 1 min"

   "W:Security: Closing mirror covers because of sunrise."
   "W:Security: Closing lower hatch because of sunrise."
   "W:Security: Closing upper hatch because of sunrise."

      These are a result from the automatic sunrise closing safety.
      If You need to keep open a bit more for narrow band flats etc then
      the command 'Keep-Telescope-Opened' can be used, with care.
      See status page 30 for details like when sunrise is.

   (Security, automatic setting of telescope to Idle if left tracking in the morning)

   "W:Security: Telescope left tracking, will set Idle-Mode in 5 minutes"
   "W:Security: Telescope left tracking, will set Idle-Mode in 4 minutes"
   "W:Security: Telescope left tracking, will set Idle-Mode in 3 minutes"
   "W:Security: Telescope left tracking, will set Idle-Mode in 2 minutes"
   "W:Security: Telescope left tracking, will set Idle-Mode in 1 minute."
   "W: Security: Telescope left tracking at sunrise, setting Idle-Mode!"

   (Security, others)

   "Security: ActOpt bellow B1i1 shows a big deviation actual-expected"
      and 44 other similar of these, one for each of the 45 bellows.

      This is to inform that there is a significant difference between the
      actual air pressure read from this bellow as compared to the expected
      value. In most cases it might be the 'pressure to current converter'
      that is degrading. In that case the real value is fine but the reported
      one is wrong. More serious is if the 'current to pressure converter'
      is failing, then the actual pressure is really wrong and the mirror
      shape and position can be disturbed. This would require attention from 
      a staff technician familiar with the active optics hardware.

   "Security:ActOpt bellow B1i1 at max output,may affect image quality"
      and 44 other similar of these, one for each of the 45 bellows.

      This means that the bellow has been given the maximum allowed output
      pressure. In best case this is while staff is working with new zernikes
      to give the mirror another shape, if that is the case check the active
      optics pages and if the mirror positioning is fine then adjust the
      allowed maximum value from the engineering program.
      In worst case this is a failure in another bellow causing the rest of
      the bellows to have to work harder. Check status page 6 for the mirror
      servos, if the position errors are much more than a few 100 units then
      the mirror cannot be properly positioned and the shape of it is not as
      This would require attention from a staff technician familiar with the
      active optics hardware.

   "Security: Reminder,ActOpt bellow B2m1 P/I converter due for change"
      and 5 other similar like this.

      This message comes once a week around noon to remind staff that the
      'pressure to current converter' for this bellow is known to malfunction
      permanently and needs to be replaced. Otherwise there is no check that
      this bellow is correctly operating. 

   "Security: Adjusting az turns, please be patient, see status page 1."

      This is to unwind the new FIES fibers with the stiff protection hose,
      max +/- 2 turns (previously +/- 4) is allowed, stops at +/- 1 turn
      at a preset and at 0 turns at a park building. You MUST be patient
      during this moving, close hatches and side ports meanwhile if this is
      at the end of the night, or write EON report.
      It should be mentioned that stopping with the red button at full
      speed can result in severe damage to the telescope.


      Results in main mirror loosing positioning, making observing useless.
      If it does not come back in operation within 5 minutes as seen on
      status page 3 upper right 'CompressorOK' then go to 'zenith' and
      contact duty staff.
      Look in the machine room if it is operational, check fuses.
      If necessary just switch over to the spare with the switch and valve
      between them. Check on status page 6 for the mirror servos position
      errors, if < 20 units then all is fine.

   "W:Security: Altitude speed > 21 percent above max! See DB graph."

      Mostly for notification, speed variations in altitude are not that
      relevant. Please note in EON for staff to follow up.

   "Security: AltAz amplifiers FAILURE, doing Power-Off!"

      There might be an error in the new altaz amplifiers. You can try
      powering on again after the complete powering off, in that case be
      aware of unusual noise from telescope while powering on. If in doubt
      contact duty staff.

   "Security: AltAz OSCILLATIONS, doing Power-Off!"

      Telescope power will be switched off because oscillations occured in
      the altaz drives. Duty staff must be consulted before any attempts to
      power on again.
      Staff: This usually is a sign that the motor/tachometer brushes needs

   "Security: AltAz POWER FAILURE, doing Power-Off!"

      Could be safety system cut or altaz internal failure. Try reset
      safety system and power on again.

   "W: Security: Autoguiding seems to drift away, check ag screen!"

      Could be unintentional guiding on a cloud, ignore if observing is fine.

   "W:Security: Azimuth speed > 10 percent above max! See DB graph."
      Due to hardware imperfections the azimuth speed might be higher than
      expected especially in the beginning of the night. Normally not an
      issue unless it results in a building crash.

   "W:Security: Azimuth turns < -2, please turn positive when possible."

      To protect the new FIES fibers with their stiff protection hose the
      twisting is limited to +/- 2 turns.

   "W:Security: Azimuth turns > 2, please turn negative when possible."

      To protect the new FIES fibers with their stiff protection hose the
      twisting is limited to +/- 2 turns.

   "Security:BUILDING SAFETY SYSTEM RELEASED when power is ON"

      Comes together with the other ones for the building drives
      ('Security: Building PA failure! Tell duty staff.',
      'Security: Building PSU failure! Check stair case!') if
      the stair beam is cut or any emergency stop is activated.
      Useful to find out the exact timing down to 1/10 of a second in
      case of a building crash.

   "Security: Building power is OFF, check stair case?"

      Comes if building power is cut due to safety system beeing cut.
      Usually the stair beam. Check it and reset safety system.

   "Security: Building drives SINAMICS fault! See err msg list"
   "Security: Building drives SINAMICS alarm! See err msg list"

      There will probably be other messages in connection with this.
      Do 'zenith' if possible and 'power-off' (if not already done
      To save time You can follow the instructions attached to the 'R2-D2'
      laptop that sits on the control room shelf to the left of the stereo,
      otherwise contact duty staff.
       For staff and/or observers:
      It is mandatory that the error description is written down, staff
      may consult the pile of documentation on the shelf in the control room
      (or where it might have been moved). If still problems then
      Graham/Ingvar might be of help.

   "Security: Building drives FAILURE, doing Power-Off!"

      This indicates a possible serious error in the building drives.
      There are most likely a bunch of other warning about this. Duty
      staff may have to be contacted.

   "W:Security,ChangeAccessCode: TCS ACCESS CODE CHANGED!"

      The access code was changed from the user interface terminal in control
      room, this warning is to make the observer aware in case it was not
      deliberate. There must be a confirmation for giving this command.
      NOTE: This code is mandatory for the observing systems!

   "Security: CPU load high, tell staff if telescope behaves bad."

      This might happen in case of a software error or a server going too
      high in the memory allocation. The telescope has no problem in tracking
      an object at 98% cpu load but network communication is not always
      possible. That means that data is not any longer transferred to
      the data base so instrument software will not function well.
      If the situation becomes too problematic then contact duty staff
      for a possible reboot.

   "Security: Do 'g-p-pa' asap, Guide Probe position is not reliable!"

      Due to various internal reasons the turn counting and thereby the
      positioning of the guide probe has probably been corrupted. 1 turn
      corresponds to 7 arcsec so it is recommended to do 'g-p-pa' as soon as
      it fits in.

   "Security: False TV high intensity signal, report to staff."

      The CHILD (Camera High Intensity Level Device) might need repair,
      note in EON report. Contact duty staff if the guide TV is not

   "W:Security,for UserInterface: WRONG TCS ACCESS CODE USED!"

      This warning appears if a remote user interface tries to give a
      command without the correct access code. Could happen in remote
      observing sessions, make sure the access code is properly entered
      in the remote user interface by 'Access-Code'. Ask control room
      for it, it is displayed on status page 1 on the TCS user interface

   "Security: Guide star lost."

      Common in cloudy weather, faint guide stars, bad seeing etc.

   "W: Security, Info: STAR BOX WILL REACH EDGE IN <60 seconds!"
   "W: Security, Info: Star box will reach edge in <90 seconds!"
   "W: Security, Info: Star box will reach edge in <120 seconds."

   "E: Security: Inhibiting sequencer commands, DO NOT MOVE TELESCOPE!"

      Commands cannot any longer be given from the sequencer for safety reasons.
      Both external power and the generator have failed, telescope is running
      on batteries and the remaining running time is verified to have gone below
      25 minutes. The safety procedure will if necessary park and power off telescope
      and also close mirror cover and hatches. If the situation improves before 
      the power loss is total then duty staff might help starting up again.

   "W:Security,InstrumentName: CounterWeights wrong for this instrument?"

      This is to help against improper altitude balance in case setting of
      counterweights was forgotten after an instrument change. The warning
      appears when executing the command 'Instrument-Name' from scripts or
      user interface.

   "W:Security: Lower Hatch (PLC) fail in Local use, probably TIMEOUT!"

      If manual tries are made on observing floor it is good to get it registered
      if a failure occurs.

   "W:Security:MirrorServo1 needs higher force than nominal, note in EON"
   "W:Security:MirrorServo2 needs higher force than nominal, note in EON"
   "W:Security:MirrorServo3 needs higher force than nominal, note in EON"

      If this occurred when showing the mirror control to visitors by touching the
      mirror support counterweights then this one can be ignored.
      This can be caused by a degrading bellow Current-to-Pressure converter not giving
      the proper force. The other 14 bellows in the section will help to maintain the
      main mirror in position. There could be a minor degradation in image quality, if
      that is obvious and it is a problem for obtaining proper data then duty staff
      can be told, otherwise please note it in the EON report.

   "W:Security:MirrorServo1 needs lower force than nominal, note in EON."
   "W:Security:MirrorServo2 needs lower force than nominal, note in EON."
   "W:Security:MirrorServo3 needs lower force than nominal, note in EON."

      If this occurred when showing the mirror control to visitors by touching the
      mirror support counterweights then this one can be ignored.
      This can be caused by a degrading bellow Current-to-Pressure converter not giving
      the proper force. The other 14 bellows in the section will help to maintain the
      main mirror in position. There could be a minor degradation in image quality, if
      that is obvious and it is a problem for obtaining proper data then duty staff
      can be told, otherwise please note it in the EON report.
      Staff: in rare cases this can be a forgotten tool between the mirror and the
      mirror cell!

   "E:Security: MirrorServo1 needs too high force, can degrade observing"
   "E:Security: MirrorServo2 needs too high force, can degrade observing"
   "E:Security: MirrorServo3 needs too high force, can degrade observing"

      There might be a problem with a bellow Current-to-Pressure converter for this
      section of the mirror control. This can cause degraded image quality or even failure
      to position the main mirror properly. Look at the guide screen if the guide star
      is visible and stable, or give 'sh 6' on the TCS User Interface terminal.
      Check the 'position error' readings, if they are not within 50 units then
      mirror control is not maintained. If it looks bad then tell duty staff.

   "E:Security: MirrorServos supply pressure gone, makes observing hard!"

      The compressor that supplies the air for the mirror control is ok but for some
      reason the pressure is not enough for the mirror control. Mostly this could be
      staff closing the supply valve for some work, otherwise it might be a blocked
      air filter in the mirror control or a leak somewhere.. If telescope cannot be
      used then tell duty staff.

   "W:Security:Now NOT running on batteries, net or generator power back"

      The telescope is now back to running on power from the external net
      or the generator. 

   "W: Security: Old clock UT - GPS UT < -2.5s"
   "W: Security: Old clock UT - GPS UT > +2.5s"
   "W: Security: Old clock ST - GPS ST < -2.5s"
   "W: Security: Old clock ST - GPS ST > +2.5s"

      This indicates something wrong with the time keeping. If observing is ok then
      just mention it in the EON, if observing is impossible contact duty staff.
      For staff: A good remedy is then to use the 'engineering' program on the TCS/alpha
      console, choose 3 for altaz, 6 for listing clocks status and choose a working clock 
      (CPU, Old, GPS) from the options listed. 

   "E: Security: Assumed INTERLOCK POWER SUPPLY FAILURE! (RotCablTwist?)"
      Replaces "Security: ROTATOR CABLE TWIST ALARM! See err message list".
      The most likely cause of the rotator cable twist signal getting lost is that the
      interlock power supply brakes down or hydraulics pressure goes low while power is on.
      Check electronics room, rack 23 for the yellow Interlock lamp if it is on.
      If not the above then:
      This is probably a fatal error, caused by a broken steel wire in
      the rotator cable twist. There should also be a 'Rotator set to Local'
      message in connection with this fault. This takes one day to fix, so
      do 'alt 90' and park building (rotator will not work), close down,
      write a fault report (IMPORTANT) and note in the EON report.
      Phone duty staff and tell it. Duty staff could then contact the relevant
      persons somewhere between 08:00 and 09:00 to get them up for replacing
      the wire.


      Could happen if powering off at low altitude or if a drive error
      occurs. Also cuts the power to the rotator. If power to the rest of
      the telescope is still on, then go to zenith and power off, this
      resets the alarm. Wait 3 minutes and try powering on again.
      If the situation is still problematic then contact duty staff.

   "Security: Rotator will reach limit in < 3 minutes!"
   "Security: Rotator will reach limit in < 5 minutes!"
   "Security: Rotator will reach limit in < 10 minutes."
   "Security: Rotator will reach limit in < 15 minutes."
   "Security: Rotator will reach limit in < 20 minutes."
   "Security: Rotator will reach limit in < 30 minutes."

      The range is about +/- 200 degrees. If it reaches the limit it will
      automatically turn 360 degrees. NOTE that this takes 2.5 minutes!
      If doing a long exposure, just Hold it and wait for the turning
      to finish. During the turning autoguiding will be kept on in order
      to avoid an unintentional preset to another object. Since the TV filter
      is closed during the turning there will be no resulting autoguider
      corrections, the telescope will do blind tracking. After the turning
      tracking will be switched on again, TV filter will be set back to
      what it was and guiding will continue as usual, dragging the guide star
      to the center of the box and thereby the object to the same position as
      before on the instrument. There is normally no need for any readjustment
      of the object position, the position should be within some 1/10'th of an
      arcsecond. Especially, DO NOT move the guide star box. If the position
      of the object should not be exactly the same after the turning, note 
      in the EON report or write a fault report. If the guide star after a
      rotator turn of 360 degrees should not fall into the star box then
      just do 'auto-pos-retry' (if using it).

   "Security: Service loft fans are off."

      For knowledge. If they are forgotten off after some work down there
      the telescope structure might get warmed up slightly. Tell duty staff
      that they can be switched on again from electric switch board in 5B.


      The cooling is probably not functional. Please consider going to
      zenith and powering off asap. The automatic safety system cut due
      to this might activate anytime. If this is not related to an
      external power loss then contact duty staff, otherwise note in
      EON report.

   "Security: Temperature in machine room is high."

      Nothing to worry about. Go in there if You feel cold.

   "Security: Tracking close to zenith, can degrade image quality."

      This is to make the observer aware that if azimuth moves faster then the
      main mirror might move up and down making the image a bit blurred.
      This is marked with blinking the value of the zenith distance on
      the User Interface terminal.

   "Security: TV intensity too high, setting Grey filter!"

      This is to protect the very sensitive guide TV camera from damage.
      You can try the red or blue filter if the resulting intensity of
      a guide star became to low due to this.

   "Security: TV intensity too high, setting Closed filter!"

      This is to protect the very sensitive guide TV camera from damage.
      Try to move the guide probe away if this was an object, if during
      evening- or morning-twilight then let it be darker before using
      the guide TV.

   "Security: TV intensity too high, switching OFF TV!"

      This could be due to misaligned TV filters. Note in EON report.
      Wait 3 minutes, move away from the bright object, then switch on the
      guide TV again. Choose the closed filter to check if alignment comes
      back again.

   "W:Security: Upper Hatch (PLC) fail in Local use, probably TIMEOUT!"

      If manual tries are made on observing floor it is good to get it registered 
      if a failure occurs.


      Both external net and the generator have failed, telescope is now
      running on batteries since at least 5 minutes and their capacity give
      less than 25 minutes running time left. If they become empty the power
      loss will be total. PLEASE INFORM DUTY STAFF.

   "E: Security: UPS BATTERIES LOW, going to Zenith!"

      This is an automatic safety measure if the battery capacity goes down

   "E:Security: UPS BATTERIES LOW, going to Zenith and parking building!"

      This is an automatic safety measure if the battery capacity goes down

   "W: Security: UPS batteries low, do not power on or open telescope."
   "W: Security: UPS batteries low, might close telescope in 5 minutes."
   "W: Security: UPS batteries low, might close telescope in 4 minutes."
   "W: Security: UPS batteries low, might close telescope in 3 minutes."
   "W: Security: UPS batteries low, might close telescope in 2 minutes."
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might close,park and pow-off in 5 min"
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might close,park and pow-off in 4 min"
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might close,park and pow-off in 3 min"
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might close,park and pow-off in 2 min"
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might park and power-off in 5 minutes"
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might park and power-off in 4 minutes"
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might park and power-off in 3 minutes"
   "W:Security: UPS batteries low, might park and power-off in 2 minutes"

      Both external power net and generator have failed, telescope is running
      on batteries and the remaining battery capacity can only keep the telescope
      running for a maximum of 25 minutes if the net or generator does not come back.

   "Security: Water leak alarm! Check service loft and az motors."

      Might be rain leaking in at bad weather and storm, could also be
      ice/condensation on cooling tubes on service loft. Note in EON report.
      No need to contact duty staff unless water is pouring down on the 
      electronics in the electronics room.


      There is no external net power and no generator power. This message usually
      comes when the external net goes away and the generator is about to start,
      which it normally does in 10 seconds.

   "W: Security: You are autoguiding with TV off, not meaningful."

      Can happen in cases with messy weather conditions or other reasons.
      This is to notify the observer.

   "Security: You are now observing into lower hatch."

      Occurs if altitude is < 35 degrees and lower hatch is closed.
      Note that the exposure might be affected. There can still be light
      thru to the instrument as low as altitude 19 degrees.


   "WS: SidePorts: All side ports stopped."

      Just to get this commanded stop logged.

   "W: SidePorts: Failed in connecting to socket, waiting 30s."

      Might be a network issue or power loss to the side ports PAC (controller).
      The program will try again. Operate manually if needed.
   "W: SidePorts: Failed in creating socket."

      For some reason this failed, the program will try again.
      Operate manually if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: Failed in write to Side Ports PAC! Sleeping 1 minute."

      Could be a network glitch, program will try again.
      Operate manually if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: Failed reading from Side Ports PAC! Sleeping 1 minute"

      Could be a network glitch or system error, the program will try again.
      Operate manually if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: Got 'ERROR' but no error code from PAC. Sleeping 60s."

      Mostly for technical staff info, could be a glitch in the communication.
      Operate manually if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: Got 'OK' but no result code from PAC. Sleeping 60s."

      Mostly for technical staff info, could be a glitch in the communication.
      Operate manually if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: Left East section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left East section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Left East section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left East section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Left East section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Left East section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left East section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left East section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left East section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left East section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W:Sideports: Left East start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Left North section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left North section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Left North section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left North section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Left North section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Left North section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left North section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left North section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left North section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left North section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W:Sideports: Left North start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Left South section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left South section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Left South section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left South section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Left South section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Left South section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left South section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left South section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left South section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left South section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: Sideports: Left South start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Left West section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left West section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Left West section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left West section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Left West section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Left West section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Left West section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left West section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Left West section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Left West section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W:Sideports: Left West start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Neither 'OK' or 'ERROR' returned from PAC. Sleep 60s."

      Mostly for technical staff info, could be a glitch in the communication.
      Operate manually if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: No response from Side Ports PAC! Sleeping 1 minute."

      Probably a network fall out, could also be a power loss to the controller.
      Operate manually if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD1'"
   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD2'"
   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD3'"
   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD4'"
   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD5'"
   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD6'"
   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD7'"
   "W: SidePorts: PAC returned unexpected value XXX for 'RD8'"

      Could be a fault in the controller or TCS programmer's error.

   "W: SidePorts: Right East section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right East section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Right East section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Right East section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Right East section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Right East section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right East section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right East section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Right East section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right East section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W:Sideports: Right East start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Right North section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right North section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Right North section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Right North section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Right North section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Right North section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right North section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right North section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Right North section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right North section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W:Sideports: Right North start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Right South section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right South section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Right South section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait."
   "W: SidePorts: Right South section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Right South section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Right South section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right South section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right South section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Right South section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right South section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W:Sideports: Right South start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Right West section set to LOCAL."

      Just to get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right West section set to LOCAL during closing."
   "W: SidePorts: Right West section set to LOCAL during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Right West section set to LOCAL during Opening Full."
   "W: SidePorts: Right West section set to LOCAL during Opening Smoke."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: Right West section STOP pressed!"

      To get this logged for technical staff.

   "W: SidePorts: Right West section STOP pressed during closing!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right West section STOP pressed during HeatProtectionWait"
   "W: SidePorts: Right West section STOP pressed during Opening Full!"
   "W: SidePorts: Right West section STOP pressed during Opening Smoke!"

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: Sideports: Right West start pos was undef for Smoke pos. For info."

      To get this logged for technical staff follow up.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left East closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports le', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left East opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully le', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left North closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports ln', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left North opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully ln', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left South closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports ls', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left South opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully ls', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left West closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports lw', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Left West opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully lw', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right East closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports re', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right East opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully re', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right North closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports rn', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right North opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully rn', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right South closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports rs', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right South opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully rs', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right West closing!"

      Try command 'close-side-ports rw', if no luck close the side port by hand.

   "W: SidePorts: TIMEOUT on Right West opening!"

      Try command 'open-side-ports-fully rw', if no luck then open by hand if needed.

   "W: SocketCommandServer1: CALLED WITH WRONG ACCESS CODE!"

      This is the server that handles command requests from the sequencer.
      It is mandatory that the access code is properly entered in the
      observing system, otherwise commands are rejected. Look at status page 1
      on user interface terminal in control room for the actual code.

   "SocketCommandServer1, failed in creating receive socket()!"
   "SocketCommandServer1, failed in bind()!"

      This is the program that receives commands from the sequencer.
      It will retry. The telescope can of course be operated from the
      user interface terminal as always but if the sequencer is needed
      then duty staff can be contacted for a possible reboot.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages
      complaining about
        "... No contact with server, trying again ...",
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... Failed in creating socket."
        "... Failed in connecting to socket."
        "... Wait 60s before try to reconnect ..."
        "... TCSclient waiting for DataBase server ..."
      then it can be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "SocketCommandServer1, failed in listen()!"

      See above but it is probably neccessary to contact duty staff
      for a reboot.

   "W: SocketCmdServer: Timeout wait for cmd after establ. connection!"

      The sequencer contacted the TCS server to give a command but took too
      long time to actually give it. This can be bad timing effects in one
      of the systems and can harm observations if commands are not properly
      executed. It is expected that the observing system also complains.
      If this repeats then it might be necessary to tell duty staff.

   "(LocStorePointingData): Could not open

      For staff running the pointing session program. Perhaps the file got
      too big, even if that is unlikely.

   "SupportSlowIO exiting due to error:"

      See on error device terminal and write it down. Call duty staff.
      Staff: Can be restarted directly by 'supportslowio ^126 >>>/s1 &'
      on the 'TCS/Alpha console'. The 'newiotest' program can be
      used for investigations like reading input cards.

   "TCSclient6client: No contact with server, trying again ..."

      This is the program that sends TCS data to the data base server
      two times per second. It must be functional when using the sequencer.
      No data is communicated to the DB. Could be that the DB server is
      not in operation or in most of the cases, it is busy with internal
      administration. This administration is done winter time 12:01UT for a few
      minutes and 13:20UT for 2-10 minutes, in summer time 11:01UT for a few
      minutes and 13:20UT for 2-10 minutes. If there are several of these messages
      outside DB administration time during day time then check with the TCS expert
      or the comp guys, otherwise a TCS reboot might help.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages like these:
        "... No contact with server, trying again ...",
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... Failed in creating socket."
        "... Failed in connecting to socket."
        "... Wait 60s before try to reconnect ..."
      then it can be the usual feature of TCS loosing the network capability or
      it might rarely be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "E: TCSclient6client: Data base server returned ERRDBCON!"
   "E: TCSclient6client: Data base server returned ERRSQL!"

      An internal error in the data base server, if observing cannot continue
      in a short while then contact duty staff. If the error is persistent
      then assistance from the computer department might be needed.

   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering on Hydraulics! Doing PowerOff!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering on Building! Powering Off!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering on AltAz! Powering Off!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering on Rotator! Powering Off!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering on TopUnit! Powering Off!"

      Check safety system, check status page 1, wait 3 minutes and then
      try again. If no success then contact duty staff.

   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering off TopUnit! Trying again!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering off Rotator! Trying again!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering off AltAz! Trying again!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering off Building! Trying again!"
   "TelescopePower: TIMEOUT while powering off Hydraulics! Trying again!"

      Look at status page 1. If this is during the morning when closing
      then press the red emergency button and note in EON report. If the
      fault causes more problems then contact duty staff.

   "W: The object will be close to zenith, might degrade image quality."

      If doing a preset and the object will end up close to zenith (within 3 degrees)
      then this message appears. If azimuth moves faster then the main mirror might
      move a bit up and down.

   "TopUnitPower: TIMEOUT while powering on!"

      If status page 1 does not show top unit power is on then 'power-of'
      and wait 3 minutes. If no success then contact duty staff.
      Can be a power supply.

   "TopUnitPower: POWER FAILURE!"

      If the telescope focussing does not perform properly then contact
      duty staff.
      Can be a power supply.

   "TopUnitPower: PSU set to LOCAL while power was on!"

      If not done deliberately by staff then it might be a hardware error.
      If telescope focussing behaves well then continue to observe and note
      in EON report, otherwise contact duty staff.

   "TopUnitPower: TIMEOUT while powering off!"

      If during morning powering off then press the red emergency button
      and note in EON report, otherwise if status page 1 show power is
      still on then try 'power-off' again, if that does not help then
      contact duty staff.

   "TopUnitPower: Leaving Failure state."

      Just a notification, no action required.

   "TopUnitServos: Oscillations in Displacement servo!"

      If the properties of the displacement (secondary mirror vertical
      movement with altitude) servo suddenly changes due to mechanical
      wear and the friction goes low there might be oscillations which
      can be seen as slow (a few seconds period) motions of the guide star.
      Tell staff if these are persisting and causes elongated images.
      For staff: use the engineering program to set down the proportional
      gain of the servo.

   "TopUnitServos: Focus refpos xxx.x outside limits xxx.x to xxx.x"

      An illegal position has been calculated somewhere. If telescope
      main focus behaves unsatisfactory then contact duty staff.

   "TopUnitServos: Displacement refpos xxx.x outside limits xxx.x to xxx.x"

      An illegal position has been calculated somewhere. If telescope
      imaging behaves unsatisfactory then contact duty staff.
      Check the status page 5 for the displacement positioning.

   "TopUnitServos: Tilt1 refpos xxx.x outside limits xxx.x to xxx.x"

      An illegal position has been calculated somewhere. If telescope
      imaging behaves unsatisfactory then contact duty staff.
      Check the status page 5 for the tilt1 positioning.

   "TopUnitServos: Tilt2 refpos xxx.x outside limits xxx.x to xxx.x"

      An illegal position has been calculated somewhere. If telescope
      imaging behaves unsatisfactory then contact duty staff.
      Check the status page 5 for the tilt2 positioning.

   "TopUnitServos, _os_write(): Stat nn, errno nn"
   "TopUnitServos, _os_read(): nn"

      Indicates a communication error with the top unit position sensors.
      If telescope imaging becomes bad and the error is repeated then
      contact duty staff.
      Look at the communication device at top right on the 'TCS/Aalpha'
      computer in Rack 20. If it is not blinking in the Tx/Rx LEDs then
      look at status page 21 if program is updating, then use the
      engineering program (instructions on web) to kill the program. Try
      to restart the 'topunitservos' program. Otherwise try a reboot.
      If no success replace the communication unit and try again. If still
      no success it could be a damaged serial port in the computer.

   "TopUnitServos, _os_gs_ready: Status= nn, errno= nn, ByteCount= nn"

      Indicates internal program problems. If persistent then contact
      duty staff for a reboot.

   "TopUnitServos: Extracted actpos xxx.x from #nn 'cccccccccc' outside

      The top unit sensor device might have returned an incompatible value.
      If persistent and telescope imaging degrades look at status pages 4
      and 5 for position errors. If they are large (>100 for focus, >10000
      for the rest) then contact duty staff.
      Might be any type of fault.

   "TopUnitServos: Ch[0] fr HBM unit #nn is NOT ' ' or '-', (dec) nn"

      Indicates a sensor device error or noise on the communication line.
      If persistent and telescope imaging becomes bad then contact duty
      Could be any error, try kill TCS, power off Rack 22, all back
      again and reboot.

   "TopUnitServos: No answer from HBM unit #nn !"

      If persistant then check telescope imaging. If OK then note in EON
      report, if notOK then contact duty staff.
      Look at the communication device at upper right on 'TCS/Alpha'
      in Rack 20. If Tx is blinking then the sensor device might have been
      subject to electrical shock. Kill TCS  and switch off power to Rack 22,
      then restore and reboot.
      If only one of the 4 top unit sensor units is bad then replace it.

   "UpperHatch: TIMEOUT during opening!"
   "UpperHatch: TIMEOUT during closing!"

      Do not operate. Inspect and contact duty staff.

   "UpperHatch: Set to LOCAL during opening!"
   "UpperHatch: Set to LOCAL during closing!"

      If not done deliberately by staff then it might be a hardware error.
      If normal operation is OK then note in EON report, but note that You
      may have to close it manually later. Otherwise contact duty staff.

   "UpperHatch: PLC failed during opening!"
   "UpperHatch: PLC failed during closing!"

      If normal operation is OK then note in EON report, otherwise
      contact duty staff.
      If normal operation is OK then note in EON report, otherwise
      contact duty staff. 
      For staff: Locate the PLC programming laptop, the hatch PLC program
      in a red binder in the leftmost cabinet in the electronics lab,
      connect laptop to PLC, start the FESTO program and investigate
      at will. You can stop the PLC program on line with 's', investigate
      and set outputs, then start the program again with 'r'. Do not erase
      the program, it might not load back due to the age of the laptop.

   "UpperHatch: Normal operation resumed."

      Just a notification, no action required.

   "UPSclient: failed in creating socket, sleeping 1 min."

      This program asks a server for the state of the UPS, mainly to know
      how long we can run on batteries if net and generator fails.
      This was a problem internal to TCS, the program tries to get operational
      again, if this repeats then write a fault report.

   "UPSclient: failed to connect to socket, sleeping 1 min."

      The UPSclient program in TCS could not establish contact with the UPS
      server. It will try again. This is only critical if telescope runs on
      batteries, if this repeats while running on batteries then go to zenith
      and power off as a safety precaution, in that case also inform duty

   "UPSclient: Nothing returned from UPS Server, sleeping 1 minute."

      This can happen if the machine where the server runs is very busy or
      the network is heavily loaded. The program will try again. This is only
      critical if telescope runs on batteries, if this repeats while running
      on batteries then go to zenith and power off as a safety precaution and
      in that case also tell duty staff. 

   "UPSclient: Suspected too short answer from UPS Server, sleeping 1 minute."

      The client in TCS expected a longer answer from the UPS server, it will
      try again. Note in EON report if this repeats, otherwise the TCS
      responsible will notice the message in the Talker listing.

   "UPSclient: We will now not know if we are running or not running."

      This is a notification when the UPSclient program has been told to
      shut down.

   "WeatherNet, line garbled (TempAtTop)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (TempAtBox)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (Pressure)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (Humidity)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (Wind speed)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (Max wind)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (Wind dir)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (Light level)."
   "WeatherNet, line garbled (Rain value)."

      Indicates electric noise on the communication line to the weather
      station. The connection is via a network module so the local RS-232
      line is very short. If weather data is not updating every about 10 s
      then contact duty staff.

   "WeatherNet: Temperature is simulated."
   "WeatherNet: Pressure is simulated."
   "WeatherNet: WindSpeed is simulated."          CRITICAL
   "WeatherNet: WindDirection simulated."         Critical if speed >15m/s
   "WeatherNet: Humidity is simulated."           CRITICAL
   "WeatherNet: Rain=False is simulated."         CRITICAL
   "WeatherNet: Rain=True is simulated."

      Staff has set the override for this due to a verified failure in the
      weather station. For logging notification. Please also try to check
      with other telescopes if the value is reasonable.
      Have a look outside regularly, be careful not to expose telescope
      to bad weather, especially when the critical ones are simulated.
      Do use the handheld meter from the control room.

   "WeatherNet: TempAtTop outside limits!"
   "WeatherNet: TempAtBox outside limits!"
   "WeatherNet: Pressure is outside limit!"
   "WeatherNet: WindSpeed outside limits!"
   "WeatherNet: WindMax is outside limits!"
   "WeatherNet: WindDir outside limits!"
   "WeatherNet: Humidity is outside limits!"
   "WeatherNet: Light is outside limits!"

      Usually occurs if there has been a temporary glitch in the communication
      with the old weather station. If this occurs just occasionally then
      ignore it, if persistent then it might indicate a malfunctioning
      weather sensor unless the value is simulated.
      If not simulated then be careful, check with other telescopes and
      do not expose telescope to bad weather. Note in EON report and if
      deemed necessary contact duty staff. 

   "WeatherNet, could not open log file."

      Note in EON report, no other action, it is just the weather data
      that every 30 minutes goes to a log file.

   "W:WeatherNet:Failed in creating socket."
   "W:WeatherNet:Failed in connecting to socket."
   "W:WeatherNet:Failed in writing to ESR902 port2."
   "W:WeatherNet:Wait 120s before try to reconnect to ESR902."

      Can happen if the network or the communication device (ESR902) is
      malfunctioning. The TCS will try to reestablish contact continously
      but if weather data is not updated for some time (like 5 minutes or
      so) then try 'sh 25' to see the new weather station data at the right
      part of the UI screen. You must respect the weather limits described
      on the wall above the UI screen, check weather data from the other
      telescopes also. Note in EON.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages
      complaining about
        "... No contact with server, trying again ...",
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... TCSclient waiting for DataBase server ..."
      then it can be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "WeatherNet: nothing received from WS."         CRITICAL

      Indicates loss of communication with the weather station.
      Check with other telescopes, do not expose telescope to bad weather.
      Contact duty staff if persistent. See also section just above.

   "WeatherNet, Line too long."

      Indicates communication problems. If persistent then as above.

   "xtms1_client: No contact with server, trying again ..."

      The client to the temperature system server automatically tries
      to re-establish contact with the server to obtain the telescope
      structure temperature for the automatic focus adjustment.
      If no contact is established the focussing of the telescope might
      degrade. In that case try to check focus often. Note in EON.
      Note: If there are simultaneously a number of other error messages
      complaining about
        "... Nothing received from ..."
        "... Failed in creating socket."
        "... Failed in connecting to socket."
        "... Wait 60s before try to reconnect ..."
        "... TCSclient waiting for DataBase server ..."
      then it can be a network problem, contact duty staff for a TCS reboot,
      that might help if this is internal for TCS.

   "xtms1_client: XTMS gave tube temp step +nn.nn to +nn.nn"

      Check telescope focus. Look at status page 4 lower left if the
      structure temperature seems reasonable. There is an entry
      'xtms1_temp_Ok', if it says 'NO' then there is no accepted temperature
      If the structure temperature server returns a value that has a
      slope that is not normally possible then the value is rejected and
      this warning is given. Steps of up to about 0.6 deg can normally
      happen just after opening up, you can check the Big Brother, TMS,
      last entry to check it. Note that checking is only done from 20 minutes
      after opening and then until closing again.
      Note that +1 deg change causes a telescope focus change of -89 units.

   "xtms1_client:Focus correction temp wrong,if repeats see err msg list"
      This can severely affect telescope focus.
      If no accepted temperature has been recieved after 5 minutes, it
      can be either an unusually big real step after opening up, a faulty
      spike in the temperature value or even a failing temperature sensor.
      Observer or duty staff can check the structure temperature in   
      IntraNOT, engineering/system status, TMS monitoring, last 2 entries
      and decide if it is OK or not. Use outside temperature on TCS UI
      screen status page 1 to compare with, after opening, the telescope    
      structure follows quite well within half an hour. If OK then the command
      'Accept-Actual-Structure-Temperature' can be given. In any case
      watch telescope focus and refocus if You feel it is needed.

Back to top Last modified: May 31 2023