Command | Function |
sh nn | Show status page nn from 1-30 (at least) |
--- | --- |
po-on | Telescope power on |
po-of | Telescope power off |
o-u-h | Open upper hatch |
c-u-h | Close upper hatch |
s-u-h | Stop upper hatch |
o-l-h | Open lower hatch |
c-l-h | Close lower hatch |
s-l-h | Stop lower hatch |
o-m-c | Open mirror covers |
c-m-c | Close mirror covers |
s-m-c | Stop mirror covers |
--- | --- |
ro-au | Set rotator to automatic mode |
ro-ma | Set rotator to manual mode |
field-r ±nnn° | Field angle (ALFOSC +90°; others 0°) |
ro-po ±nnn° | Set rotator position angle to ±nnn° |
i-p-a ±nnn° | Define the parallactic instrument angle to ±nnn° |
r-t-360 | Turn rotator 360° (used when near a limit) |
--- | --- |
re-ca | Load catalogue for use |
en-ob data | Enter object mean coords into catalogue at actual catalogue position |
ap-ob data | Append object mean coords to end of catalogue |
i-n-f | Insert nearest FK5 star into catalogue |
st-ca | Save catalogue |
era-ca | Erase catalogue in UI |
--- | --- |
p-t-s | Preset to the selected (=highlighted) catalogue object |
p-w-p | Preset to the selected (=highlighted) catalogue object with paralactic angle |
--- | --- |
instr-name name field | Instrument name (optional parameters) |
au-po-fu | Auto positioning full |
au-po-se | Auto positioning semi |
0 | Skip moving stars to center of star box |
1 | Move star 1 to center of star box |
2 | Move star 2 to center of star box |
3 | Move star 3 to center of star box |
au-po-re | Auto positioning retry |
au-po-of | Auto positioning off |
tv-on | Autoguider TV camera on |
tv-of | Autoguider TV camera off |
tv-fi x | TV filter - can be o(pen), c(losed), g(rey), r(ed), y(ellow), or b(lue) |
tv-fo nnn | TV focus position |
ag-on | Autoguider on (telescope moves) |
ag-re-on | Autoguider on with relaxation (box moves first) |
ag-of | Autoguider off |
g-g-s | Get a guide star (optional parameters) |
g-p-c | Center the guideprobe |
g-p-pa | Park the guideprobe |
g-p-po x y | Move the guideprobe to position x y |
x nnn | Move the guide probe X to position pos |
y nnn | Move the guide probe Y to position pos |
p-s-s x y | Set the guide probe step size in x y (in arcsec!) |
--- | --- |
foc-del nn | Filter focus offset |
foc-pos nnnnn | Telescope focus position |
--- | --- |
o-s alpha, delta | Telescope offset step size (in arcsec) |
s-r alpha delta | Set telescope alpha delta tracking rate (in arcsec/hour) (for comets etc.) |
bo-mo-sta alpha delta | Start autoguider box motion in alpha delta (in arcsec/hour) (for comets etc.) |
bo-mo-sto | Stop autoguider box motion |
tr-on | Start tracking |
--- | --- |
az nn° | Telescope moves to azimuth nn |
alt nn° | Telescope moves to altitude nn |
--- | --- |
c-p-p | Park CCD Pickup mirror |
c-p-c | Pick up mirror into position for StanCam |
ccd-fil | StanCam filter |
c-p-f | Pick up mirror into position for FIES (alias) |
c-p-s | Pick up mirror into position for FIES |
--- | --- |
re-sc | User interface refresh (when screen is messed up) |