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BlueSky profile YouTube channel

Contact Information

Mailing Address (only letters):
Apartado 474
E-38700 Santa Cruz de La Palma
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Package shipment address:
(Staff member/receiver)
Rambla José Ana Fernández Pérez 7, local 5
E-38711 San Antonio, Breña Baja
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
NIF: N0082981-B
Teléfono/phone: +34 922 181 114
(más correo del staff member al que va dirigido el envío/plus personal e-mail address of the staf member)

Documents to attach to/acompany the package:

Original Invoice or, if not possible, a detailed Content Declaration.
Give this declaration to the shipping company and email a copy to

Physical Address:
Rambla José Ana Fernández Pérez 7, local 5
E-38711 San Antonio, Breña Baja
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

       Telephone Numbers:
Telescope control room+34 922 405 660/661(2660/2661)
Staff office +34 922 405 663 (2663)
Administration +34 922 181 114 (8300)
Electronics Lab +34 922 405 664 (2664)
Mechanical workshop +34 922 405 667 (2667)
Fax (Observatory) +34 922 405 665 (2665)
Fax (Sea level office)+34 922 434 444

Administrative staff contact
You can address the administrative staff by email using their individual accounts (see the following table) or by sending the mail to administracion@

Staff Information:
Name Position Telephone / Ext
Armas Pérez, Sergio System Administrator sap 922 181 456 / 8304
Clasen, Jacob Software Engineer jclasen 922 181 365 / 8305
Diaz Teodori, Maria Alejandra Student Support Astronomer madiaz 922 434 268 / 8320
Djupvik, Anlaug Amanda Senior Staff Astronomer amanda / 8307
Fernández, Loida Administrative Assistant loida 922 181 114 / 8301
Hauptmann, Benjamin Nobre Student Support Astronomer bnh 922 434 268 / 8320
Henderson de la Fuente, Andrea Student Support Astronomer andrea 922 434 268 / 8320
Jones, David EXTERNAL (IAC staff) djones /
Kadela, Arthur Matthew Student Support Astronomer art 922 434 268 / 8320
López, Raquel Administrative Assistant raquel 922 181 114 / 8302
Moreno Saldaña, Christian Junior web developer cmms 922 434 268 / 8320
Perez, Carlos Electronics Technician cperez 922 405 664 / 2664
Pursimo, Tapio Staff Astronomer tpursimo 922 181 254 / 8308
Pyykkinen, Niko Student Support Astronomer niko 922 434 268 / 8320
Rasmussen, Roar Holmberg Student Support Astronomer roar 922 434 268 / 8320
Sorensen, Peter Software Specialist pms 922 181 327 / 8309
Telting, John Senior Staff Astronomer jht 922 181 183 / 8310
Viuho, Joonas Instrument Scientist jojo 922 434 268 / 8320
Väisänen, Petri Director petri +358 29 450 4516

ORM Information:
Place Extension Remarks
NOT emergency contact - Mobile: 619 274 750 (Jacob), 606 827 690 (Carlos)
Control Room 2660/2661 2661 is on the observing area (preferable at night).
2660 rings on various rooms (preferable during the day)
Telescope cellar 2662
Electronic Workshop 2664
Mechanical Workshop 2667
Residencia Bedroom 2524 ORM Room 202
Sea Level Office 8300 Fax: 922 434 444
Service Building 2663 Fax: 2665
Ambulance 061
All Emergency Services 112
IAC Switchboard 922 605 200 Fax: 922 605 210
INT Control Room 2640
JKT Control Room 2585
Mercator 2555/2670
Night Porter 2500/2515 609 554 576
Residencia Recep. 2500/2515 922 405 500 no longer takes you straight to Residencia Reception, but to a pre-recorded "key the extension" message
Residencia Admin. 2540 Fax: 922 405 501
Residencia Kitchen 2545
60 cm telescope 2572
Swedish Tower 2591/2
TNG Control Room 2536 Computer Room 405 535; Lab. 405 537
WHT Control Room 2559
GTC 2256 CALP:922 425 720
Liverpool Telescope 2511 Mobile: 616 168 471

External Calls: (0) 922 405 + Extension

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