Contact Information
Mailing Address (only letters):
Apartado 474
E-38700 Santa Cruz de La Palma
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Package shipment address:
(Staff member/receiver)
Rambla José Ana Fernández Pérez 7, local 5
E-38711 San Antonio, Breña Baja
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
NIF: N0082981-B
Teléfono/phone: +34 922 181 114
Correo/e-mail: (más correo del staff member al que
va dirigido el envío/plus personal e-mail address of the staf member)
Documents to attach to/acompany the package:
Original Invoice or, if not possible, a detailed Content Declaration.
Give this declaration to the shipping company and email a copy to
Physical Address:
Rambla José Ana Fernández Pérez 7, local 5
E-38711 San Antonio, Breña Baja
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Telephone Numbers:
Telescope control room | +34 922 405 660/661 | (2660/2661) |
Staff office | +34 922 405 663 | (2663) |
Administration | +34 922 181 114 | (8300) |
Electronics Lab | +34 922 405 664 | (2664) |
Mechanical workshop | +34 922 405 667 | (2667) |
Fax (Observatory) | +34 922 405 665 | (2665) |
Fax (Sea level office) | +34 922 434 444 |
Administrative staff contact
You can address the administrative staff by email using their individual
accounts (see the following table) or by sending the mail to
Staff Information:
Name |
Position | |
Telephone / Ext |
Armas Pérez, Sergio |
System Administrator |
sap |
922 181 456 / 8304 |
Clasen, Jacob |
Software Engineer |
jclasen |
922 181 365 / 8305 |
Diaz Teodori, Maria Alejandra |
Student Support Astronomer |
madiaz |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
Djupvik, Anlaug Amanda |
Senior Staff Astronomer |
amanda |
/ 8307 |
Fernández, Loida |
Administrative Assistant |
loida |
922 181 114 / 8301 |
Hauptmann, Benjamin Nobre |
Student Support Astronomer |
bnh |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
Henderson de la Fuente, Andrea |
Student Support Astronomer |
andrea |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
Jones, David |
EXTERNAL (IAC staff) |
djones |
/ |
Kadela, Arthur Matthew |
Student Support Astronomer |
art |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
López, Raquel |
Administrative Assistant |
raquel |
922 181 114 / 8302 |
Moreno Saldaña, Christian |
Junior web developer |
cmms |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
Perez, Carlos |
Electronics Technician |
cperez |
922 405 664 / 2664 |
Pursimo, Tapio |
Staff Astronomer |
tpursimo |
922 181 254 / 8308 |
Pyykkinen, Niko |
Student Support Astronomer |
niko |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
Rasmussen, Roar Holmberg |
Student Support Astronomer |
roar |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
Sorensen, Peter |
Software Specialist |
pms |
922 181 327 / 8309 |
Telting, John |
Senior Staff Astronomer |
jht |
922 181 183 / 8310 |
Viuho, Joonas |
Instrument Scientist |
jojo |
922 434 268 / 8320 |
Väisänen, Petri |
Director |
petri |
+358 29 450 4516 |
ORM Information:
Place | Extension | Remarks |
NOT emergency contact | - | Mobile: 619 274 750 (Jacob), 606 827 690 (Carlos) |
Control Room | 2660/2661 | 2661 is on the observing area (preferable at night). 2660 rings on various rooms (preferable during the day) |
Telescope cellar | 2662 | |
Electronic Workshop | 2664 | |
Mechanical Workshop | 2667 | |
Residencia Bedroom | 2524 | ORM Room 202 |
Sea Level Office | 8300 | Fax: 922 434 444 |
Service Building | 2663 | Fax: 2665 |
Ambulance | 061 | |
All Emergency Services | 112 | |
IAC Switchboard | 922 605 200 | Fax: 922 605 210 |
INT Control Room | 2640 | |
JKT Control Room | 2585 | |
Mercator | 2555/2670 | |
Night Porter | 2500/2515 | 609 554 576 |
Residencia Recep. | 2500/2515 | 922 405 500 no longer takes you straight to Residencia Reception, but to a pre-recorded "key the extension" message |
Residencia Admin. | 2540 | Fax: 922 405 501 |
Residencia Kitchen | 2545 | |
60 cm telescope | 2572 | |
Swedish Tower | 2591/2 | |
TNG Control Room | 2536 | Computer Room 405 535; Lab. 405 537 |
WHT Control Room | 2559 | |
GTC | 2256 | CALP:922 425 720 |
Liverpool Telescope | 2511 | Mobile: 616 168 471 |
External Calls: (0) 922 405 + Extension